Prom Queen

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Quinn wanted a crown. Something to tell her that she was enough, that she had the power over her life.

Junior year was rough. From giving up her baby and having the baby's father in juvie completely threw a spanner in the works so she dated Sam, the new kid but she cheated on him with Finn who was in love with Rachel.

Quinn knew that Finn wanted Rachel. No one wanted her.

She was going to prom alone, she knew it was totally lame and this way she would never win prom queen but she needed this night to be perfect.


He was with Sam and Artie performing on stage. Quinn couldn't help but watch. She watched how his face lit up after the applause they received and how free he looked on stage. He caught her staring, of course he did because he was staring at her. She blinked and quickly turned her attention to Mercedes.


Nerves filled her body. She needed this. She bit her lip until the taste of the blood filled her mouth. Her palms were sweaty and she was twirling her ring around her finger.

'And the 2011 junior prom queen winner is...' Mr Figgins announced . 'Quinn Fabray.'

'I can't believe she won.' Mercedes said clapping excitedly.

'Who voted for her?' Artie asked.

'I did.' Puck revealed. 'About one hundred and fifty times.' He managed to sneak into the election counting office and stuffed the ballad boxes with Quinn's name. He remember how when they they used to live together, she talk about going to prom together and winning prom king and queen. And after everything he did to her, he was going to get her that crown. At any cost.

The friends smiled and watched the blonde except her crown.

The rest of the night trickled by slowly, the grin never leaving Quinn's face. Even though she didn't know about what he did, he felt accomplished for making her smile, the way he used to.


Prom was finished, everyone was headed back to their cars, the boy was about to get into his truck to head home when a hand pulled him around.

'Q-' he was cut off by the blonde hugging him, it was the first time they had touched in nearly a year and it was perfect. 'What was that for?'

'I know you rigged the election.' She reveleaded. 'Thank you.'

'I knew how much you wanted it.' Puck confessed.

Quinn smiled and opened the passenger side to Pucks truck. 'Are you coming or what?'

He smirked and got into the truck. 'Where to princess?'

'Wherever you want.'

After driving around for fifth teen minutes in a comfortable silence Puck stopped at the lake. The pair always used to go there when Quinn was pregnant.

'I haven't been here since-' Quinn began but quickly tailed off of the sore subject.

'Me neither.' Puck confessed getting out of the truck. 'Stay here.' The boy ran around the side of the truck to where he always kept pillows and blankets and set up the back of the truck.

'Lady Fabray.' He said opening the truck door and extending his hand for her to take, she giggled and took his hand.

The pair sat on the truck and looked into the night sky. 'Do you ever think what it would be like if we kept her?' Quinn asked abruptly.

Puck was took back by the question, they hadn't talked about the baby (or anything) for a year. 'Everyday.'

'I know that after Beth was born we were never close.'

'And you dated trouty mouth.' He said immediately tensing. 'And Finn.'

'You went to juvie.'

'Because Of you.'

'Excuse me?'

Puck sighed. 'You ignored me all summer. I was gonna do a big romantic gesture and ask you out. But I got caught.'

'You should have just asked me.' The blonde said lowly. 'I would have said yes.'


'After giving Beth up I could bare to look at you because you reminded me of her and how much I loved you. I had all of the regret building inside of me and I had to find a way to suppress it, so I dated Sam and Finn.'

'You loved me?'

'Still do.' She said in barely a whisper.

Finally, although it was a year overdue Quinn finally told Puck how she feels. The two looked at each other for what felt like forever, the blonde decided to break the silence.

'Why'd you rig the election?'

'I knew how much you wanted it. Plus you look good in a crown.' He replied. 'You always used to talk about the perfect prom night so I made it happen.'

'It wasn't  perfect.'

'Why not?'

'We didn't dance together.' She replied. Puck quickly stood up and climbed into the front of the truck and played Quinn's favourite song.

'Can I have this dance?'

Quinn smiled and nodded allowing the boy to help her up.

The couples bodies melted into each other as the danced, Quinn rested her head on his chest listening to the steady beat of his heart.

'And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you.' Puck sang softly along with the music as the song came to a close the pair inches closer and closer together until the connected.

'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

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