Last night

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It was the day after she lost her virginity. It was like it had never happened. He was gone when she woke up. She put on her Cheerios uniform and put her hair into a high ponytail like any other day. She almost forgot about it until she saw him. He was at his locker flirting with Santana. She felt sick, She gave her virginity to him and he was flirting with her best friend. She was snapped back to reality when Finn came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

'Hey babe.' Finn said. 'You okay?'

'I-I'm fine.' She said turning around to face her boyfriend trying to forget the boy behind her.

'I tried calling you last night, you didn't answer.'

She remembered the call. It was when Puck was kissing her neck. He picked up her phone from her bedside table and declined the call and kissed her again.

'Sorry, I was with my mom.'

'Don't apologise.' Finn said. Finn was a good guy. She should want to be with Finn, why was her heart longing for Puck.

'Dude we have football practise.' She heard his voice approaching him. 'Hey Q.' He smirked once he reached the couple. Quinn wanted to slap the smirk off his face.

'I-I have to go.' She stuttered. And walked away.


She wanted to go home. She couldn't stop thinking about Puck and how much she wanted him. She was the last one in the locker room after Cheerios practise as she fixed her hair she heard someone's footsteps.

'Hello.' She called out. One of the girls must have forgotten something. But it wasn't a cheerio is was Puck. 'You can't be in here.'

'We need to talk about last night.'

'No we don't.' She returned.

'I meant what I said. It wasn't just another hook up for me.'

She scoffed. 'Stop acting like you care about me.' She went to walk past him but he stopped her.

'I do.'

She laughed. 'Don't act like you have feelings for me. You just want me to sleep with you again.'

'I'm not acting Q. I do have feelings for you.' He said sincerely grabbing her hand and pulling her close to him. 'The sleeping with you would be a bonus.'

She tried to hide her smile but couldn't. 'I hate you.'

'Then why are you still holding my hand.' He smirked. She tore her hands away from him. And attempted to walk away once more, but she wanted him to pull her back. He did.

'I won't tell Finn.'

'Thank you.'

He kissed her chastely on the lips and then walked out of the locker room.

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