Lies and love

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Quinn walked through the halls of McKinley High ready to conquer junior year as the past year was a setback. Quinn sat down in Spanish class and saw the new boy, Sam.

He was cute, sweet and respectful everything Quinn wanted in a boy.


'Hey.' The boy replied. 'Quinn, right?'

'The one and only.'

'Puckerman, you're late.' Mr Schue said. Quinn looked up at the boy she had been avoiding all summer, the boy she was trying to get over.

Quinn talked to Sam all class but felt Pucks eyes burning into her skin.


Puck saw Sam in the locker room after practise and was overwhelmed with rage.

'Listen here.' Puck said pushing the boy up against a locker. 'I get that you're new but stay away from Quinn lady lips.'

'Or what?'

'I'll get you kicked off the team and you'll just be another glee loser.'


'Hey Sam.' Quinn said sitting in the seat next to him in Spanish class the next day after Puck threatened him.

'Quinn? Hey.' He smiled. He looked scared like he was being warned.

'You, me dinner tonight.' Quinn said, Sure she was being forward but she need to get over Puck

Sam tensed. 'Ummm. I don't know.'

Quinn rolled her eyes. 'Seriously are you rejecting me right now?'

'What- no- it's just-' he tailed off as someone entered the room. It was Puck.

'Tell me Sam or I'll kick you so hard-'

'Puck told me that if I asked you out he'd get me kicked off the team.'

The girls blood bolied. How dare he?

Quinn stood up and grabbed Puck by his shirt pulling him out off the classroom.

'Woah Quinn, easy.' Puck said as he was pulled out of the classroom.

She slapped him, hard across the face that her hand stung. 'How dare you?'

He was puzzled

'Don't play dumb Puckerman. Who gave you the right to say who can and can not go out with me. That was low. Even for you.' She turned around to go back into classroom.


'Tell me why you did it Puckerman?'

'You know why.'

'No I don't, tell me!' Quinn hardened her facial expressions.

'Because I love you.'

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