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Every little girl dreams about her wedding day. Having the perfect venue, the perfect dress and the perfect guy. Quinn has the venue and the dress but the only thing missing is the guy. She isn't marry someone she loves. She's marrying someone her parents want her to love. Biff Mckintosh is seemingly perfect. He's an Ivy League graduate, is a devote Christian and is a total sweetheart. But he's too perfect. She doesn't want perfect. She wants someone exciting and fun and rough around the edges. She wants Noah Puckerman.

She didn't invite him to the wedding. She didn't want him there because she knew she wouldn't be able to go through with it and over the past few months she has cut off all contact with her past lover.

She's waiting in a room in the church. There's a window that she is very tempted to escape from. She doesn't have the guts to do it.

There's a knock on the door. She's assumes that it's Santana her maid of honour letting her know that it's beginning. She yells come in but it's not Santana. It's Puck.

'You can't be here.'

'You look gorgeous.' He ignores her words and closes the door behind him.

She ignores the swell of butterflies that erupt in her stomach and rolls her eyes. 'I told you that I didn't want you here.'

'You knew I wouldn't be able to stay away. The thought of you walking down the aisle and marrying someone you don't even love-'

'I do, I do love Biff.'

'Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?' He asked.

'Don't do this right now.' Tears well in her eyes.

'Do what? I can't let you marrying him without you knowing that I love you.'


'I love you and you love me too.'

'I have to marry Biff.'

'No, no you don't.'

'Yes I do. If I don't my dad-'

'Screw him.' Puck blurts out. It's makes Quinn smile. 'Let's leave. We can run away together and never look back.'

'Puck, that's not realistic-'

'We can make real because we're Puck and Quinn the rules don't apply to us.'


'Do you love me?' She nods. 'Do you want to be with me?' She nods again. 'Then let's go.'

'Okay.' She says.

'Let's go. We don't have much time.' Puck said quickly.

She grabs his hand. 'Wait, one more thing.'


'Kiss me.'

He smiles and kisses her.

'We really need to leave.' He says as they break away from the kiss.

'How are we going to do it?'

He smirked. 'I asked some friends for some help.' He opens the door and on the other side are Finn, Santana and Kurt.

'Thank god you're not marrying the douche.' Santana says.

'Okay.' Finn begins. 'Rachel is distracting your parents and Brittany and Sam and talking to Biff. So we have about five minuets to get you out of here.'

'Let's go.' Quinn says taking Puck hand. The exit out of the back of the church while Kurt keeps look out.

Thankfully they get out without any issues and get into Pucks truck.

'Are you sure you want to do this?'

'I have never been more of sure of anything.' Quinn smiled. 'Now drive.'

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