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Graduation, the day most high school students count down the days to, they finally get to escape the books, the teachers and the slushies.  Not Noah Puckerman, everyone had their plan, Berry and Hummel were going to New York, Santana was going to Kentucky and She was off to Yale and meet some fancy Yale boy and she'll forget all off their history together.

They were sitting in the choir room doing last minute rehersals for Nationals, He sat at the back by himself watching Berry practise her solo while everyone else were having conversations between themselves while he sat in silence.

'Why you moping Puckerman?' Santana asked sitting next to him and pulling out her nail file.

'I'm not.' He said dissmining the Latina

'Oh come on, you don't think I believe that do you?' Santana asked looking at him. 'Tell me what's wrong?'

'Nothing Satan.' He said letting his eyes fall into Quinn who was talking to Mike and Tina.

'Dude it's been 3 years. Either grow a pair and talk to her or get over her.' He hated to admit it but she was right. Puck stood up and walked out of the choir room.


Quinn was talking to Mike and Tina about what's going to happen with their relationship after he graduates when Puck got up at walked out of the choir room. The blondes head turned around and watched him leave. She looked back at Santana who shrugged and walked to Brittany.

She felt guilty, almost like it was her fault.


Geography is stupid Puck thought to himself, He needed this stupid subject to graduate, he needed to prove to himself and to her that he was not a Lima Loser.

He sat in the classroom with Coach Beiste who he formed an unlikely friendship with when she joined in Junior Year. 

'I should just repeat my senior year .' Puck said closing his book.

'No you should not.' Beiste replied opening up the book again.

'Yeah, think about it. You could have an actual chance at winning at football.' Puck argued.

'What is going on Puckerman? What's the sudden need to stay at school? You said and I quote 'school is for losers' ' Beiste said doing air quotes.

'That's my point. Everyone has their plan. New York, LA, New Haven, and I'm stuck here. A Lima loser.' Puck explained trying not to get angry.

'Puckerman, I'm gonna tell you straight.' Beiste said. 'If you don't want to be a Lima loser you need to graduate.'


Quinn was walking down the hall, sure the people didn't part like the Red Sea anymore but it was good enough. She walked past the geography class room where Puck and Couch Beiste were studying.

'Everyone has their plan. New York, LA, New Haven.' She heard him say, New Haven he was thinking about her.  'And I'm stuck here. A Lima loser.' She felt really guilty, memories came flooding back to her. I had sex with you because you got me drunk off of wine coolers and I felt fat that day. You're a Lima loser and you're always going to be a Lima loser.'It was a blatant lie.


Puck was at his locker looking at last minute notes before he took his Geography test for the second time. 'Puckerman.' He heard. He turned around to see a certain blonde, ex cheerleader, teenage mother.

'Fabray.' He replied trying to sound unphased that she was talking to him. 'What do you want Q?'

'I wanted to say good luck.' She explained. 'You are going to ace this test.'

'Yeah I'm not so sure about that.' Puck said keeping his eyes on the book.

'You are not a Lima Loser.' She said and kisssd him on the cheek and walked away.


All of the seniors from glee were there when he received the test results. Puck was leaning against the Lockers while Quinn was opposite him and they both kept glancing at each other. He passed. Noah Puckerman actually passed a test without lying or cheating. Quinn hugged him and whispered to him that she was proud. He could help but hold her tightly and grin.


It was graduation. They were all in bright red gowns and Finn and Puck had Sang glory days. He felt proud of himself for once in his life. He and Finn had made a plan to move to LA and see what happens from there. After they called his name they finished the song and they all threw their caps up in the air. Puck had one thing in his mind and that was to find Quinn. This was his last chance.

He walked across the stage to where Quinn's as standing with Mercedes he grabbed her arm and pulled her to face him. He pushed a strand of her golden hair out of her face. She looked up at him and he looked into her bright green eyes and he learnt down and engulfed her in a passionate kiss, she kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck. She smelt and tasted like strawberries. He wanted this moment to last forever.

'Get a room.' Santana shouted and ruined the moment.

The pair looked at each other taking in what just happened. The pair eventually got took away by their parents and didn't see each other for the rest of the night.


Quinn and Mercedes were talking about Yale and all the cute boys she will meet. She only had one boy/man in her mind. As soon as the thought entered her head her felt a hand grabbed her and spin her around. She saw non other than Noah Puckerman, the only boy/man in her mind. The looked at each other for a split second before he moved a piece of her hair out of her face with his guitar calloced fingers and kissed her. She had secretly waited for this moment for years. The way her body seemed to fit in his like a glove, the smell of his cologne and the way he kissed her roughly yet softly.

The moment was cut short by Santana Lopez. Telling them to get a room she found herself missing the warmth of his body.


'Every moment from now until I leave for Yale I want to be spent with you.' Quinn said into the resiver of her cell phone.

'And I'll make the best month of your life.' Puck replied.

It defiantly was the best month of her life.

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