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Her therapist makes her to write an essay about her biggest regret. She says that it will help the blonde heal. Quinn thinks it's bullshit.

She sits in her bedroom, the huge painting of Jesus hanging over her, judging her.  She sits there fiddling with her paper, unsure what to write.

As a stranger looking in on the girls life you'd think she had a lot of regrets. Cheating on her boyfriend with his man whore of a best friend, getting pregnant, lying about the baby's father, giving up the baby, being a serial cheater, going crazy, dying her hair pink, texting and driving... the list goes on.

She ends up giving up and leaves her note book abandoned on her bed.

She goes for a shower and starts her daily routine of counting her stretch marks and seeing if they had faded since the last time she checked (they hadn't). Each mark was a reminder of what happened and how much her life had changed.

After her shower she goes back into her bedroom and gets flashbacks of the night that changed everything.

Quinn laying on her back while he trailed soft kisses down her neck, moans exciting from her lips against her will. His eyes looking into her soul as she asked the three words. The three words that sent her world into a spiral.

'Are you sure?'

She nods and grabs the back of his neck, forcing their lips together.

She swallows hard and shakes her head to rid the thoughts. She sits back on her bed and tries to write the essay, no words come to mind.

She runs her hands through her wet hair and catches sight of the only photo she had of her baby. It's of the three of them together looking like the family they should have been, but she held her baby for less than an hour and then signed her away.

She remembers the way Puck looked at her. It makes her stomach turn whenever she thinks about. The eyes that were once filled with love and admiration were now filled with anger and hatred.

She's snapped out of her thoughts by her mom telling her that Christ Crusaders was on.

That's when she remembers the night in summer. Her and Puck are laying in her bed trying to hold on to their relationship but it's no use. Especially since Puck had told her that he loved her and she didn't say anything back.

'I love you.' He tells her.

'I-I-' She wants to say it back but the words get stuck in her throat. She sighs and sits up. 'I know you want me to say it back but I can't.'

'It's fine.' He says softly. 'I'll wait.'

'I don't know if I'll ever be able to say those words to you.'

The words cut them both like a knife and for a moment she thinks she can't see tears in his eyes. 'I-I should go.' He says, he presses a soft kiss to her lips. It feels like a goodbye. It was a goodbye, because after that night he stopped calling and they were strangers again.

A tear hits the blondes paper, snapping her back to reality. She wipes her tears away and scribbles down her biggest regret.

Not telling him that I loved him

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