Everything has changed

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Pink hair, Nose piecing, punk clothes, The sound of her boots squeaked with every step she took along the floors of McKinley High school. She adored the weird looks everyone was giving her, she finally felt like herself.

That summer between Junior and Senior year was when she had her tipping point. She had bottled up all of her pain and anguish since sophomore year. She broke.

With every step she took another ounce of power and control she felt she had. That's when she saw him, Noah Puckerman, self proclaimed badass and ladies man. He looked at her disapprovingly, he started it he made her feel this way.

Quinn walked into the bathroom to touch up her eyeliner and fix her pink locks. 'Sup skank.' Puck said as he entered the girls bathroom. The memories of the day he found out she was pregnant came flooding back Sup Milf

'What are you doing in here this is the girls bathroom.'

'What you doing?' He asked. 'This isn't you.'

'How do you know who I am? I don't even know who I am.' Quinn said building up her defences.

'I know you. This isn't it.' Puck said. It was true.

'Leave me alone Puck. I can't do this with you.'

'And why is that Quinn?' It was rhetorical. 'What happened to you?'

'Life happened Puck, I've changed.' She answered applying a fresh coat of lipstick.

'Fine.' Puck said. If this was her now she was gonna have to accept it. 'Are you coming back to glee club?'

'No.' She answered simply.

'Why?' Puck asked. Why did he care so much.

'Because they made me like this, ever since I joined that stupid club my life has been a mess. I'm over it.'

'Quinn come back. We need your voice.'

'Oh yeah say I can oh and ah in the background while Berry sings.' Puck could argue it was true.

'We both know that you're better than Finn and Mercedes is Better than Rachel. Favouritism.' Quinn said pushing past Puck to leave the bathroom.

'Wait.' Puck said grabbing her hand lightly to hold her back.

'Why do you care so much Puck?' She said starting to tear up.

'Because I love you.' Puck admitted. 'I haven't stopped.'

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