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It started the Friday night of the football game. He knew something was up with the blonde because she kept looking at him, he only knew because he was always looking at her. It started after his Need you now performance with Rachel, she looked at him with same look she used to give him when she was pregnant and it was driving him nuts because they weren't exactly friends and he couldn't just walk up to her ask why she's suddenly looking in his direction again.

After the game all of the boys were in the locker room with the exception of Sam who had already left. Puck was always the last to leave so once all the boys were gone he hung back for another few minuets before leaving the locker room. Once he left he saw Quinn leaning up against the lockers outiside of the room.

'If your waiting for your boyfriend he's gone home.'

'It's a good thing I'm not waiting for him then.' She said. 'I was waiting for you.'

'Why?' He asked. Leaning against the door to the locker room.

'Why did you sing that duet with Berry?'

'Why do you care?'

'I think we both know that I don't like being jealous.'

'Jealous of what? Me and Rachel, not offence to her but been there done that.' Puck said. 'Besides I'd rather sing with you.'

'I'm with Sam.' She said talk a step towards him.

'Then why are you jealous of me and Rachel?'

That was it, completely unprovoked he didn't do anything to make her kiss him but she did. Like her life depended on it. With the hand that wasn't resting on his shoulder she opened the door to the locker room and pushed them inside because she didn't want to be caught.

'What are you doing?' Puck asked in between kisses.

She silenced him with a kiss and murmured. 'Secret.'

The kissing lasted a few minuets but Puck's phone started ringing. It was Finn.

'Dude, what do you want?'

'You're meant to be giving me a ride. Are you still in school?'

'Yeah, I'm with a girl.' He smirked at Quinn who was scolding him.

'It isn't Rachel is it because-'

'No. It's a cheerio.' He said. 'I'll be out there in a minuet.' He hung up the phone and shoving it in his pocket. He pulled her close and kissed her again. He knew that it was all physical to her, but at that moment he didn't care. He just wanted to be with her.

'You should go.' She said breathless.

'I'll call you.'

'Don't.' She rolled her eyes, secretly wanted him to call. The smirk that was on his lips told her that he was going to anyway.


It's the following Monday at school. He hadn't called her and wanted to see her in person but the only way that was going to happen was at school.

He was waiting in the choir room her for her to walk past. It was the last period of the day so no one would be in the halls. And like clockwork Quinn came walking past the choir room. He opened the door slightly and pulled in.

The lights were off and it took her a few seconds to realise it was Puck. 'What are you doing?'

'Finishing what you started.' He smirked. Grabbing her hands and taking her towards the piano.

'I have a boyfriend.'

'That didn't seem to matter the other day. Or last year.'

'You can't tell anyone.' She said quietly.

'Did I tell anyone about Friday?' He asked. 'It can be our secret babe.' He rested his hands on her waist and pulled her close to him.

'Our secret.' She confirmed connecting their lips. After a few seconds Puck lifted the girl onto piano and she immediately wrapped her legs around him to make him come closer.

The next thing they knew the lights were being turned on and someone was entering the room. 'Guys.' It was Mr Schue. The two immediately turned towards him.

'We were practising.'

'I don't remember assigning making out.' Mr Schue said.

'I have to go to Math. I'll see you later.' The blonde said hopping off of the piano and walked straight out of the room.

'Puck-' Mr Schue began but was cut off.

'Spare me the lecture.' He said. He knew it was wrong and it would wind up with people getting hurt but with Quinn he didn't care. He felt bad for Sam because even though Puck wanted to punch he every time he looked at Quinn, they were friends. But it's Quinn Fabray. His first love. 'I know it's wrong. I just-'

'I'm not one to judge.' Me Dchue said holding up his hands in defence. 'Just make sure no one gets hurt.'

'Right.' Puck said. Was Mr Schue stupid? Obviously someone was going to get hurt. And knowing Quinn and Puck's's going to be him.


It was the end of football practise and the boys were in the locker room. Puck was talking to Finn when he noticed all of the boys got quiet. Quinn was standing by the entrance with her hands on her hips. Probably ready to HBIC someone...probably him.

'Q? What are you doing in here?' Sam asked.

'Sam. We need to talk.' She said. 'Now!' Puck's mind raced she was going to spill that they'd been secretly hooking up. He really didn't want Sam to fight him because he wouldn't be able to fight back because of his probation.

'Can this wait?'

'No it can't.' She said. 'I'm breaking up with you. I have feelings for someone else.' Her gaze lingered to Puck for a split second that only he noticed. 'I'm sorry.' And with that she was gone.

Puck hung back in the locker room like usual. To his surprise he was greeted by Quinn once he walked out.

'I want to be with you Puck. I know that after everything that happened last year we haven't really talked but I still feel the same way about you and I only used Sam to try hide my feelings and make you jealous.'

'I want to be you with Quinn.'

'You gonna break my heart Puckerman?' She asked wondering towards him.

'No.' He asked. 'Are you gonna break mine Fabray?'

'Never.' She said lowly pulling him in for another kiss.

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