Only exception

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Quinn's life was finally back on track. She was head cheerleader again, she was dating one of the cutest guys in school and her baby weight was gone. But still, she faked every smile that spread across her face.

Puck is back from Juvie. He doesn't talk to her. He doesn't even look in her direction. She pretends that she doesn't care, that his constant flirting with every girl he happens past doesn't crush her.

He keeps his distance. He can't bare to see her with Sam. Every time he puts his arm around her it makes his skin crawl. He hears in the locker room that he gave Quinn a promise ring. A fucking promise ring? He proposed to her when they lived together and she said no.

He waits for her to walk past the choir room and pulls her inside, quickly locking the door so that no one can interrupt them.

'What the hell is wrong with you Puckerman?' She bites as she comes face to face with him.

'You're gonna marry that kid?'

She rolls her eyes. 'It's not an engagement ring, you moron. It's a promise ring.'

'A promise to what?'

'Marry me someday.' She replies.

'So it's a fucking engagement ring.' He scoffs. 'I proposed to you and you said no.'

'You only did that because you thought that it would convince me to keep her.' Quinn replies. She notices how he flinches when she mentions their baby.

'I proposed to you because I love you.' Puck blurts out.

She shakes her head. 'Stop.' She pleads. 'You can't just come back here and screw with my head by telling me that you love me.'

'It's the truth.' He says honestly. 'I was gone for three weeks and I come back and you're engaged to some kid you've know for two seconds.'

'I'm not engaged.' She insists.

'What about that song Rachel was singing before I left? The one about being the only exception.'

'It was a song Puck.'

'A song that you looked me in the eye and sang to me.' He replied.

She shook her head. 'I can't do this right now.'

'Do you love him?' Puck asked. Afraid to hear the answer.


'Answer the question.'

'I-I don't know.' She mutters truthfully.

'That's not an answer.'

'What do you want me to say Puck?' She asks. 'That I love you so much that it hurts? Because I do and it kills me whenever I see you with another girl. And that the only reason I'm dating Sam is too make you jealous. Or that I meant what I said when I sang those words to you.' She blurts out as she feels tears welling in her eyes.


'I-I have to go.' She stutters out as she walks out of the choir room.

He turns up at her house later that night. He has no plan. No romantic speech to tell her to pick him over Sam. It's just him.

'W-What are you doing here?'

'I love you.' He blurted out.

'You shouldn't. You've seen what I did to Finn and what I'm doing to Sam.'

'Break up with Sam.'

'I'll break your heart.' She whispers lowly.

'I don't care.' He says. 'Break my heart. Because it will only ever be yours to break.'


He doesn't know what to say. He had never really been one for words. He always thought the actions speak louder than words. So he takes the ring out of his pocket and places it on her hand.

'Even if you don't love me. I think that you should have it.
Because you are the only girl I'd ever propose to.' He turns and walks down the drive. That was it. She doesn't love him.

'Puck wait-' She calls out and chases after him. He turns around and she pulls him into a kiss.

Once they pulled away Quinn speaks again. 'You are the only exception.' Puck smiled and kisses her again. She puts her hands on his cheeks and he can feel the ring band on his cheek. The ring that he gave to her.

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