Save me

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Quinn and Puck hadn't spoken since Shelby left with Beth. But tonight, she needed someone, someone to help her, to save her. She knew no matter what that he'd be there.

It started with a Fabray party. Her sister was back in Lima to announce that she was getting married. Her fiancé was older than Frannie but no one other than Quinn thought that was weird. Frannie was 25, drop dead gorgeous and could have any guy she pleased but her new fiancé Ross, was the opposite, he was forty four, way past his prime and had a lingering gaze towards the youngest Fabray daughter.

It was after Dinner and Quinn was clearing the table while Frannie, Ross and her mother were in the backyard. She heard the door close and she jumped. She turned around and saw Ross. He gave her major creepy vibes and did not want to be alone with him. He walked towards her and placed an arm on the blondes shoulder.

'You are so much pretty than Frannie. I might have picked the wrong Fabray sibling.'

'Please leave me alone.'

'You don't want this?' He asked flicking down the spaghetti strap of her dress. 'Oops.' He leant in to kiss the blonde but she kicked him in the balls and ran as fast as she could, Scared that he'd follow her. She ran, and ran until she finally stopped outside his house. She didn't know why her feet bought her here, it was probably because whenever she was with him she felt safe.

She knocked on the door, with mascara running down her face. He opened the door and was shocked to see the blonde, and she was crying, shit. He never knew what to do when she was crying so he wrapped his arms around her and let her cry. After a while of standing in the hall way, he finally asked her what was wrong.

'Are you okay?'

'My sisters finances made a pass at me.' She finally said. She didn't even know why she was crying. She had a thing where whenever she was angry she would cry. She saw Puck immediately tensed and his blood boiled. Someone tried to hurt her and he was going to kill whoever it was.

'I'll kill him.' He said, he was deadly serious. He reached his for his leather jacket but she stopped him.

'You can't. You'll violate your probation and go back to Juvie. And you can't leave me here alone.'

'Good move.' He said softening. He wouldn't leave her alone like this. 'Are you okay? Are you hurt?'

'No. I just freaked out.' She said. The two locked eyes and stayed like that for a while before Quinn tore her eyes away from his. 'I-I should go.'

'No, you can't go back to that house if he's there.'

'Where am I suppose to go Puck?'

'Stay here.'

She laughed. 'No.'

'Fine, I'll come with you and beat the crap out of Frannies fiancé.'

'You can't. My sister is marrying him.'

'Do you want your sister to marry a guy who made a pass at a sixteen year old. How old is he anyway.'

'Forty four.'

'Please do this.'



The two got back to the Fabray house and they didn't even think about the fact that Judy hated Puck.

They walked into the house, into the garden and Judy immediately asked why Puck was there.

'This isn't about Puck.' Quinn sighed.

'It's about your douche of a fiancé.' Puck added.

'What's he talking about Quinn?' Frannie asked walking over to the pair.

Quinn looked down and bit her lip. It was hard enough telling Puck. Let alone her sister and mother. She looked up at Puck for help.

'He made a pass at her.'

'What do you mean?' Frannie asked. 'Quinn, What does he mean?'

'He tried to kiss me and if I didn't push him away I think he might have tried to do something else.'

'I can't believe this!' Frannie exclaimed. As if on cue Ross came walking into the garden. Frannie marched towards him.

'Hey babe.'

'Get out!'


'Get out of my house before I throw you out myself.' She yelled taking off her engagement ring and throwing it in his face.

'Whatever she's said she lying.' Ross said. 'Come on. She's a teenage tramp looking for attention.'

That set off Puck. No one was going to talk about her like that. So he did what any guy would do and punched him, hard. For a second he thinks he might have broke his hand, but the thought was ripped away when Ross punched him back. It turned into a full on brawl. Eventually Puck overpowered the man and stood up, wiping blood from his face. Quinn rushed over to him and hugged him. 'Thank you.' She whispered. He looked around the backyard expecting Frannie and Judy to be scolding him but they were smiling gratefully at him.

'Now get out.' Frannie said and eventually he got up and left. 'Thank you Noah. If Quinn's smart she'll keep you around. You're a keeper.'

'Quinnie, there's a first aid kit in the kitchen. Help Noah clean up.' Judy said. Quinn took hold of Puck's hand and lead him into the kitchen and sat him down on one of the chairs.

'You don't have to do this. I've been in plenty of fights.'

'You did me a favour. I'll do this in return.' She said, reaching for the green box. She opened it and pulled out the antiseptic wipes and sat on his knee and wiped the blood of of his lips.

'I'd do anything for you.' He smiled.

'I know.' She smiled. 'This might hurt.' She said as she was about to clean an open wound on his forehead.

'Puckerone is a badass nothing hurts me.' The blonde rolled her eyes playfully and began to clean the wound earning a yelp from Puck. 'Okay maybe that hurt.'

'Poor baby.' She teased.

'You know what would make me feel better?' He flirted, raising an eyebrow.'

'What?' She asked. She knew where this was going and she definitely would not protest.

'This.' He said lowly and leant into to kiss her. She smiled at how cheesy this whole thing was but she kissed back passionately.

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