Born this way

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She was furious and upset. She didn't know wether her to scream or cry. She didn't want to go to class where everyone was laughing at her. She was walking to class when she saw him, he was in his class throwing a paper airplane. Her blood boiled when she saw him. She told him. When they were living together. She had sworn him to secrecy but he broke his promise.

She was annoyed at him. For the billionth time that day. Her hormones made her moody and Puck being a dick didn't help. He made an off hand comment about her being fat and it sent her down a spiral. She began to cry uncontrollably and he didn't know what to do.

'I didn't mean it.'

'Yes you did.' She sobbed.

'I didn't. You're beautiful you know that.'

'My real name isn't Quinn.'

'And mine is Puck.' He said in the attempt to make a joke.

'My name is Lucy Quinn Fabray.' He gave her a confused look. 'It was before I moved here. I was fat and ugly. The kids at school used to call me Lucy Caboosey. So I started to ballet to lose the weight, dyed my hair blonde and got a nose job.' She explained all while she was crying.

'I think that you are beautiful.'

'You're just saying that.'

'I'm not.' He said. He meant it. 'You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.'

She remembers falling asleep that night with Pucks arms around her.

Before she knew what she was doing she was walking into the class ignoring the whispers and giggles and walked up to him. He grabbed his shirt and pulled him out of the class.

'Q, what the hell?' They were by the bleachers by this point and Quinn hadn't said a word. She stopped walking and slapped him. Hard. It made her hand sting but she was too angry to acknowledge the pain.

'I thought you loved me.'


'You promised me, you promised that you wouldn't tell anyone about Lucy.'


'I not finished talking.' She said. 'I thought that after everything that happened between us we still cared about each other.'

'I do care about you.'

'No you don't. If you did you wouldn't have let your girlfriend tell the whole school.'

'She's not my girlfriend.' He said. 'Not anymore.'


'She found out about Lucy and I told her not to tell anyone. And I was just a surprised as you were to see that poster. So I broke things off with Lauren.' He explained. 'I know that this year we haven't been close but I wouldn't do that to you.'

'I believe you.' She said. 'No one is ever going to look at me the same way.'

'Maybe not but I'll always look at you the same way because I love you Quinn.'

'Puck don't-'

'This year has been hell without you in it. I tried to move on but I couldn't. I love you.'

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