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'When are you going to admit that you're not over Puckerman?' Mercedes asked. 'You can make out with Sam as many times as you want, but that wont change how much you want him to be Puck.'

'Okay, can we not talk about Puck?' The blonde asked.

'You know that he still wants you.' She said. 'I mean did you see the way he looked at you today.'

'No.' She lied. She did notice because she was looking at him too.

Puck was walking past the choir room when he heard Quinn's voice. 'My thing for him is gone.'

'Thing?' Mercedes asked.

'I am over Noah Puckerman.'


'Sup milf.' Puck said approaching the blonde at her locker. They were alone in the hallway.

'I'm sorry, since when are you and I on speaking terms?' She asked keeping her eyes on her locker.

'We can always change that.' He shrugged.

She sighed. 'What do you want Puckerman?'

'I heard you and Mercedes talking earlier.'

Shit. 'So you're stalking me now?'

'I heard you say that you were over me.'


'When were you under me?'

'I said that I was over you. So we don't need to do this.'

'Q, just tell me.' He begged. 'Why did you ever have a thing for me? I thought that you hated me after everything-'

The blonde slammed her locker shut. 'What kind of a stupid question is that? Why did I have a thing for you?' He didn't see anything to she spoke again. 'I don't know Puck, maybe it's because I thought that you were worth having a thing for.'


'Because your the only guy that has ever loved me for who I am, or because when we lived together you held me and told me that I was perfect and that you loved me, or because-'

He cut her off by lifting her chin and connecting their lips and kissing her with every ounce of passion that he could possess. She kissed him back and let him push her back into the locker. She hiked up her leg and wrapped it around his waist to pull his body close to her. He held her leg up and trailed his hands up her thigh.

The bell rang.

The two jumped away from each other and the blonde walked away and went straight into the bathroom to make herself look presentable. Her ponytail was loose and her lips were puffy for the force. Her fingers trailed her lips as she could feel his lips lingering.

Puck was in his room trying to do homework but his mind kept wandering to Quinn. His mind always did that. There was a knock on his bedroom door.

'I'm busy.'

There was another knock.

'Ma, I'm busy.'

Another knock.

This time Puck stood up and opened the door. It's wasn't him mom.

'Hi.' It was Quinn. 'You're mom let me in.'

'What are you doing here?'

'I lied earlier. I still have a thing for you.'

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