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Their screaming it each other. They don't know how it started. Their in his bedroom. Yelling. An hour ago they were laying in his bed watching a movie and stealing glances at eachother but now they're going mad at eachother.

'I regret everything. All of it. You, me. Everything.'

'Join the fucking club.' Puck yells back. He doesn't mean it. Not a single word and he doesn't think She means it either but his rage in the moment makes him say things he doesn't mean.

'I'm moving out.'

That. Those three words. Three words mad his heart break. She couldn't move out. Sure she drives him insane but he loves her... even if he doesn't act like it, he really does love her. The words felt like a blow to the stomach. He doesn't let her know that so he puts a front.

'Fine.' He bit. 'You wanna leave, go ahead. I won't stop you. You don't wanna be with me, you wanna give up on everything we've went through together. Just leave. I'll even hold the fucking door for you.' Before he knows it he's yelled. He really doesn't mean what he's saying. She makes him crazy.

She has tears in her eyes. He wants to hold her and say that he doesn't mean it but before he can shes walking out the door. 'You are such an asshole.' And with that she's gone.

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