Care about me

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Puck was back from Juvie. The blonde didn't have a clue that he was back. She saw him at his locker that morning and she instantly felt like she couldn't breathe. They had left things badly and she didn't know what to do so she walked away.

She was walking to her final class of the day, she walked passed principles Figgins office and but was stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the principle say his name.

'Mr Puckerman, calm down!'

She doesn't quiet catch the rest of the conversation but she does hear him yell. 'Helping? Since when does any one of you care about helping me? None of you care about me!'

When he storms out of the office she hides behind someone infront of her so that she isn't seen. She couldn't help but feel guilty and like his words were aimed at her. It was her who cut off all of the contact with Puck. She stopped answering his calls and even got her mother to send him away when he turned up at her house. It was her fault he went to Juvie.

She knew he would go to the choir room. It was his safe place and everyone else was in class so he knew he'd be alone. She had to talk to him so before she could think straight she's walking into the choir room.

'What do you want?' He asked harshly.

'I saw you run out of Figgins office.'

He scoffed. 'Go back to your little boyfriend.'

'He's not my boyfriend. Not really.' She replied wandering closer to her. 'I know you lied about your time in Juvie. You're a horrible liar.'

'Don't pretend like you know me.'

'I do know you. Sometimes I think I know you better than I know myself.'

It's quiet for awhile before he speaks. 'Why are you here Q?'

'I'm waiting to hear the truth about Juvie. We don't lie to each other, remember?'

She watches him as he lifts up his shirt slightly, revealing a deep purple bruise. He quickly hides it after he knows she saw it.

'W-What's happened?'

'I got jumped. I may be hot stiff here but the guys there are real criminals. I shared a room with a guy who killed someone.'

'I'm am so sorry.' She said sadly. The thought of him getting hurt made her sick.

'I can't go back there.'

'Then I'll help you do your community service.'

'Why would you do that? Wouldn't you rather hang out with lady lips?'

'Don't be jealous. It's not a good look on you.' He smiled and she nudges him. 'You were wrong you know.' She begins.

'About what?'

'When you said that no one cares about you.' She says. 'Because I do, more than you know.'

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