Deserve better

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'Puck, why have you been avoiding me?' A very pregnant Quinn Fabray said to Noah Puckerman. He left without a word that morning and had avoided her at school.

'I can't be with you.'


'I-I can't do this.'

'Why?' The blonde asked tearing up. Not even three days ago he told her that he loved her. Quinn hadn't said it back.

'I cheated on you.' He replied. It was a lie.

'You're lying.' Quinn said. 'You wouldn't do that, not to me.'

'Well I did.'

'Puck we both know that's not true. What is going on with you?'

Puck sighed and adjusted his backpack. 'My dads back in town.'

'Puck-' Quinn said lowly, his dad had always been a heavy topic, even when they kids, Quinn remembered the day in 6th grade when he came to school with a black eye, he told everyone that it happened because he threw a ball into the air and it landed on his eye. Quinn knew he was lying, Truth was she knew him more than anyone did, even before they were dating.

'I'm gonna end up just like him.' Puck said sadly, that was his biggest fear. Ending up like his dad. 'Only come around when it suits me.'

'No.' Quinn protested.

'How do you know?'

'Because, the whole time I was lying about the baby dad you wanted to be there, I practically gave you a free pass to leave, but you didn't. You stayed and while I've been living with you, you have been there every second.'

'But I-'

'And you know how else I know?' Quinn asked. He shook his head.

'Because I love you.' She smiled. She didn't say it to make him feel better, it was true. She had wanted to tell him since the day he said it too her but she was scared, she wasn't scared anymore.

'You shouldn't.'

'Yes I should. I love you and you love me and we are having a baby.'

'I don't deserve you.'

'You need to realise that you and your dad are nothing alike.'

'Okay.' He said and his lips twitched into a smile. 'I love you.'

Quinn smiled and kissed him softly, it was their first kiss since that night and it was perfect.

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