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He was back from Juvie. He pretended not to care when he saw her linking fingers with fish lips, he pretending that he didn't care that she had ignored him all summer, he pretended he didn't love her.

'Stop staring at her Puckerman, it's freaking me out.' Santana remarked. They were sitting in the cafeteria away from the rest of the glee club, they may have been friends with them in the choir room but they had reps to protect.

'I'm not.' He said reluctantly tearing his eyes away from the blonde.

'Sure.' She rolled her eyes.


He was in the locker room before practise started, lifting weights when Sam walked in. The blonde boy refused to make eye contact with Puck as he was sure that Puck would beat his ass for getting with Quinn while he wasn't there.

Puck put the weights down and walked to Sam. 'Don't hurt me.' He immediately said putting his hands up.

'I'm not gonna hurt you.' Puck laughed. 'Normally I would kick your ass but it would violate my probation.'

'O-Kay.' Sam exhaled slowly.

'I'm gonna tell you this once.' Puck began. 'Don't fucking break her heart. If you do, I'll rearranged your face.'


'You threatened him!' Santana exclaimed. They were sitting on Santana's bed. They were planning to hook up but neither were up for it so Puck told her about the encounter with Sam. 

'I didn't know what else to do. I fucked up her life so I'm not gonna ruin what she has with trout mouth. He just has to make her happy.'

'Do you love her?'

'Does it matter?' He replied. They were never going to be together.

'How much?' Santana questioned, she knew he loved her.

'Does it matter?' He repeated.

'Why does it not?' The Latina said.

Puck took a deep breath before saying. 'Because, it wasn't enough to make her stay.'


It was the following day. Puck was embarrassed. He completely exposed himself to Santana. The thing he liked about the Latina was that things were never serious, they never talked about the 'messy' stuff like feelings or love.

The boy had just finished football practise when she saw a familiar looking blonde approach him. 'Can we talk?' She asked.

'What's this about?' Sam asked coming up from behind the boy.

'I need to talk to Puck.' Quinn said simply not feeling like explaining herself to him. 'Puck?'


The two walked in silence to the bleachers. It was weird being alone together, since they hadn't done it since Beth was born.

'Sam dumped me.' She finally said after what felt like an eternity of silence.

'He what?'

'He told be about what you said to him.'

'And he did exactly what I told him not to.'

Quinn swallowed hard. 'He said that we clearly had unfinished business and that he knew that you were still in love with me.'

'I am.'

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