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'I just want somebody to love me.' Quinn sobbed. She was revealing herself to her bestfirends, she was sick of holding it inside.

'Puck loves you.' Brittany said.

'He doesn't.'

Santana scoffed. 'That boy is so whipped on you he might as well wear a leash. You know he nearly beat up Sam when he found out he gave you that piece of tin of a ring. I had to stop him.'

'I can't do this.' Quinn said getting up and running out of the hotel out to the streets of New York. She had no clue where she was going but she need to get out of there, her throat was closing and she felt like she was going to suffocate.


The Latina walked through the hotel trying to find Puckerman but it was no use so she eventually knocked on the boys door. She could hear the light strum of his guitar through the door.

'Hey Santana.' Mike said once he answered the door.

Santana rolled her eyes. 'I need to see Puck.'

'We're song writing.'

'This is more important than some stupid song.' The Latina said and Mike quickly got Puck to the door.

'What do you want Satan?' Puck asked once he saw her.

'A favour.'

'Look Santana I really enjoyed when we used to hook up but me a zizes just broke up and-'

The Latinas face screwed up with disgust. 'No!' She objected. 'You need to go see Q.'


'Because you love her.'

'Do not.' He objected quickly realising that he sounds like a child.

Santana filled her eyes again. She knew Puck was dumb but she didn't think he was stupid. 'Yes you do.' She simple said and watched how Pucks strong walls broke down.

'Why do I need to talk to her, she's avoided me all year.'

'That's because she loves you, she's always just been to scared to admit it.' Santana reveleadled. 'She thinks that no one loves her, but you do, right?'

'I think I always will.'

'Then go talk to her.' 

'Where is she?'

'That's the thing, she kind of ran out of the hotel.'

'You mean that's she's in New York, Alone?' He exclaimed.

'If this was Lima, where would she go?'

Puck quickly realised that there was only one place where Quinn could be and he ran there hoping he wasn't too late and she had moved locations.


He saw a her sitting on a park bench, watching all of the people walk by. He noticed that every time she sees a little blonde girl she perks up, Shelby was in New York. He took a few smaller steps towards her and the sound of her violent sobs increased, she really was broken. He was the one to blame. Her life was perfect before he had to go a mess it up.

'You cut your hair.' He said lowly from behind her, he thought that he would ease himself into the conversation instead of just saying that he loved her and he always will loved her.

'What do you want Puck?' She said desperately trying to stop crying. It was no use though, because there was always something about Puck and how he knew her better than anybody, sometimes even herself.

'To talk. We haven't done that in over a year.' He repelled taking a seat next to her.

'I know. I'm so-'

'Don't apologise. I know it was hard for you.'

'That doesn't make it okay. I'm a terrible person.'

'You're not.' He simple said. 'You're the most beautiful, amazing, intelligent person I've ever met.'


'I love you Quinn.' He blurted out.

'You shouldn't.'

'Maybe. But I can't help the way I feel about you. I have worked by ass off to get over you but I can't.'

'I should have kept her. Maybe if I did my life wouldn't be such a mess.' The blonde said lowly.

'I wish you did.' Puck said. Quinn knew how much Puck wanted to keep their daughter but Quinn couldn't bring herself to do it, so Puck respected her decision and didn't cry until he got home.

'I should have said I loved you at the hospital.' Quinn blurted out. 'I wanted to but I couldn't. I thought it would be easier to let go if you didn't know how I felt.'

'You loved me?' Puck asked wife eyed.

'I think I still do.'

'It wasn't easy Q. It hurt like hell loving someone you knew didn't love you back so you have to date countless people to push the thoughts of that person out of your head. But I love you Quinn.'

'I love you too.'

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