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It's the annual glee club Christmas reunion. It's Christmas Eve and the whole glee club has gathered at Finn and Rachel's house.

The club spent the evening drinking and singing Christmas songs.

The clocked chimed twelve and it was official Christmas Day.

'Merry Christmas babe.' Puck said hugging the blonde from behind.

'Merry Christmas Noah.' Quinn smiled. She turned around and draped her arms over his shoulders and kissed him.

'I love you.' He said lowly.

'I love you.'

'You two are so unbelievably cute it makes me nauseous.' Santana sneered at the couple.

'Jealous?' Quinn teased.

'Definitely not.' She said rolling her eyes, 'Besides no matter how cute you two are Britt and I will be cuter.'

'It's Christmas!' Finn yelled from across the room.

Santana began to hand out glasses of champagne to everyone to make a toast.

'I'm okay.' Quinn said pushing away the glass.

'Come on Q. It's Christmas. Everyone drinks champagne on Christmas.'

'Santana. I'm okay.' The blonde insisted.

Soon the whole club were looking at best friends interact.

'God Fabray you are so stubborn, just drink it.' Santana demanded

'I can't.'

'Why not?'

By now everyone was dead silent while they watched the girls.

'Because I'm pregnant!' Quinn exclaimed. Everyone gasped and Puck looked at the blonde with wide eyes.

'Y-You're pregnant?' Puck stuttered out.

Quinn nodded and took the boys hand. 'I had this whole big surprise planned out but thanks to Satan it's kind of ruined.'

'Sorry.' Santana sighed.

'I didn't want to tell you until I knew it was real and that nothing could go wrong.' She exclaimed. 'I just finished my first trimester.'

A grin spread across Puck's face. 'This is really happening?'

'It's really happening.' Quinn grinned.

Puck hugged the blonde and lifted her off of the ground as the rest of the club cheered. Once he lowered Quinn back to the floor he kissed her.

'Well, I'd like to propose a toast.' Santana announced swapping Quinn's champagne with lemonade. 'To Quinn and Noah Puckerman and their gorgeous baby, who I will be the godmother.' She gave them a pointed look.

Puck snaked his arms around Quinn's waist and pulled her close to him. She settled into his chest.

'And thank the lord that we know who the biological father is right from the get go.' Santana teased. 'Merry Christmas and a have bitchin' new year.'

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