Run away bride

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'I love you forever Q.' He whispered to her.

She kissed him quickly before replying. 'I'm not yours to love.' And with that she walked back into the venue where she was having her rehearsal dinner.

The kiss left a bitter taste in his mouth.

He was pissed. His soulmate was getting married to someone who wasn't him. They had been sneaking around for a while, he didn't know she was engaged. He thinks that they're to old for this cheating shit. But when he's with her, he doesn't seem to care.

He told her he loved her for the first time since they were sixteen, he never stopped loving her. He's only said 'I love you' to a girl twice, both times it was to Quinn, both times she never said it back. 

He wakes up and looks at the clock. It's 8am. She would be getting ready for the wedding with her bridesmaids. He tried to ignore the feeling of his heart breaking but he can't. He loves her with every beat of his heart.

He hears his front door open, he assumes it's Sam coming to get his suit for the wedding. He walks out of his room but he doesn't see Sam, he sees her.

Shes standing in his apartment in her wedding dress.

'W-What are you doing here?'

She ignores him and walks into his room. He stands there shocked. She comes back into the living room in his clothes, it makes him smile.

'Q you're meant to be getting married.'

'I couldn't do it.' She says sitting on the couch, acting like this is totally normal. 'I did my hair and my makeup and got into my dress but something was missing.'

'What?' He asked sitting next to her.

'You.' She replied with a smile. 'When you told me that you loved me last night. It's all I've been thinking about and I've finally realised that if I do this and Marry Biff, I'll regret it for the rest of my life.'


His voice was cut off my the sound of her phone ringing. She answered. 'I'm not marrying you. I don't love you and I know that you don't love me.' She hangs up straight away and tosses her phone to the side.

'D-Do you love me?'

She smiled and took his hand in hers. 'Yes, especially now.'

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