Through the years

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I saw is on tumblr and I knew it would be the perfect way to celebrate 100 one shots! I want to take this time to say a huge thank you to everyone who reads, votes and comments on my stories!

•The day they meet•

He sees her in home room at the beginning of freshmen year. She's blonde and easily the prettiest girl he's ever seen. He's late for class because he has a certain idea of what he wants his reputation to be.

His teacher sighs. 'Mr Puckerman I hope that your tardiness doesn't become a habit.' (It does) 'Next to Ms Fabray.' He points to the blonde and Puck smirks as he sits next to her. The blonde smiles softly at him.

'You got a first name, Ms Fabray?' He asked.

She rolls her eyes playfully. 'Quinn.'

He automatically thinks it's the most beautiful name he's ever heard.

'What about you Puckerman?' She asked.


'Puck Puckerman?' She repeated raising an eyebrow. 'What's your real name?'

'Promise not to tell anyone?' He smirks. He's flirting with her, she doesn't hate it. She actually likes it. It makes her feel special. No ones ever flirted with her before.

'Pinky swear.' She said holding out her pinky.

He takes it in his. 'Noah.'

She immediate laughs. She had one of those laughs that make everyone around her laugh. 'It's cute.'

He hums in a amusement.

'Ms Fabray. Don't let Mr Puckerman distract you.' The teacher said.

They laugh quietly.

•The day they had their first real conversation•

They're friends. Kind of. They hang out in group settings and rarely speak one to one. She's dating Finn. Which Puck hates. It's the the beginning of sophomores year and Finn is way to busy eye fucking Berry in the glee club and she needs a ride home. She walks up to Finn and he's with the rest of the football guys.

'Finn, I need a ride.'

'I have glee club.'

She rolled her eyes and exhales deeply. 'You said that you'd drive me home.'

'I forgot.' Finn shrugged. Sometimes he was dumb as rocks.

'I'll drive you princess.' He smirks.

'Whatever.' She said and turns around. Puck doesn't follow her. 'Aren't you coming?'

'R-Right.' He says before quickly following her and leading her to his truck.

Their driving to Dudley road. Normally it's a ten minute drive but he purposely takes the long way to spend more time with her.

'Where's Santana? Shouldn't you two be having sex right about now.' She asked.

'Jealous?' He asked turned to look at her, her jaws clenched.

'No.' She replied harshly before going quiet again. He can tell somethings up. He's good at reading people. 'Do you think Rachel is prettier than me?'

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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