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A/N This one shot is inspired by timesoftrouble one shot that she recently posted but this one has a lot happier of an ending

'I need to tell you something.' Quinn blurted out whilst she and Puck were sitting in the car outside of school the morning that the person behind the glist needed to step forward. Quinn had been a nervous wreck all morning, Puck noticed this but didn't want to push it out of her because she would turn into loopy Quinn.

'I kind of guessed.' Puck revealed. 'You always do that thing with your bracelet, you've done it since we were kids. You did it a lot when you lied about the baby dad, it's how you cope with a guilty conscience.'

Quinn smiled weakly, it was crazy how they knew each other so well.

'I-I was behind the glist.'


'I was behind the glist.' She repeated, she felt so guilty about what she had done. She had no idea what her thought process was. She put herself first because she wanted to seem the most popular, then Santana and then Puck and filled out the rest of the spaces with who she wasn't really friends with a put Rachel at the bottom. She didn't include Mercedes, Artie, Kurt Or Tina because they were her friends and she didn't want to upset them, but that backfired and they were mad about not being included.

'I know.' Puck sighed. 'You left my laptop open when you had finished printing it.'

'I-' Quinn stuttered. 'You can't tell anyone I'll be suspended.'

'I won't.' Puck said truthfully. 'You are not gonna go down for this. I promise.'


'All right, guys, listen up. Another week has passed. If a list goes up again later today, this issue is out of my hands and it becomes Principal Figgins's jurisdiction.' Mr Schue said and Quinn flashed Puck a worried look, Puck gave her a reassuring look and held her hand.

'Mr Schue who ever did it would have came forward by now.' Tina said.

'Maybe, but if this is handled by Figgins the person is looking at a definite suspension, if I handle it you may reserve a few after school detentions but it won't go on any permanent record.'

'Big deal.' Santana sighed. 'Who cases it was just some list?'

Quinn was chewing on her bottom lip avoiding eye contact from everyone and her leg was bouncing up and down nervously. Puck hated seeing her like this, This is how she acted when she was lying about the baby daddy. He couldn't handle seeing her like this.

'I did it.' Puck said and everyone's eyes in the room turned to him.

'Shocker.' Rachel bit.

'My office, now Puckerman.' Mr Schue said. Puck stood up and gave Quinn a reassuring look.


'Are you in trouble?' Quinn asked once he was let out from Figgins office.

'No.' Puck scoffed. 'This is normal juvenile behaviour from me. I was let off with a warning because no other glist went up.'

The two drove home and Puck attempted to charge the subject but Quinn changed it back when they got home.

'I'm sorry that you took the fall for me.' She said as sat on Pucks bed.

'It's cool.' Puck said. 'Id do anything for you, you know.'

'I don't deserve that.' Quinn said. 'I'm a terrible person.'

'You are the best person I've ever met, you're just a normal teenager who made some mistakes.' Puck sighed.

Quinn smiled. 'You not just a delinquent, you know. You're a lot more, you're sweet and romantic.'

'Hey, that's only for you.'

'Then I'm glad it's only reserved for me.' The blonde smiled and cupped the boys face pulling him into a small kiss.

'What was that for?' Puck asked once they pulled away.

'For you, just being you.'

'I think I need to show you why I should have been a lot higher on the glist.' Puck smirked kissing her again.

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