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Quinn was still in bed. It was a Saturday morning and she had no plans. She watched as Puck tried to move around the room as quietly as possible. She felt guilty that every weekend and most days after school he would go to work. She also hated it because they never spent any time together.

She decided to make herself known to Puck. 'Morning.'

'Hey.' A smile instantly came onto his face.

'Where are you working today?'

'Burt's tire shop.' He said. He sat on the edge of the bed to put his shoes on.

'I really hate that your constantly working.'

'I told you.' He begins. 'Nothing but the best for my baby mama.'

'I know but sometimes I just wish you'd be here with me. I love your mom and sister but I feel like we're never together.'

'Believe me. I'd rather spend the day with you then with Hummel and Hudson.'

'Since when is Kurt interested in Cars.'

'He isn't. Burt makes him stay with me and Finn just in case we fight.'

'Fight? I though you two were friends.'

'I don't have a problem with him, but I'm the one in the wrong.'

'Stop taking all the blame.' She said. 'I wanted it just as much as you did.'

'More.' He teased receiving a playful punch to his shoulder.

'When will you be home?'

'Around seven.'


'I'll see you later.'

'I'll be waiting.'

Here's the part when it got weird. Every morning before Puck leaves for work he kisses the blonde on the forehead. It's their thing. Even when he walks her to class before he leaves her, he kisses her forehead. But not today.

'Bye.' She said. Before he walked out of the bedroom door he walked back to where Quinn was sitting on the bed and kissed her on the lips. She was stunned. They had only kissed one other time and that was when they had sex. The kiss felt like it lasted forever but in reality it was only about five seconds. She kissed back. Once the pulled away, it was like nothing had happened.
'Later Fabray.'


Puck left over an hour ago and the feeling of his lips on her lingered. Her finger grazed her lips where Pucks lips were. She couldn't keep thinking about this so she got out of bed and got dressed.

'Q, where are you going?' Sara asked as the blonde was about to walk out of the door.

'I'm going to see Noah at work.'


'Quinn, I didn't know you were coming!' Kurt exclaimed seeing the blonde. She watched as both Finn and Puck perked up from the cars they were working on.

'I didn't know either.' She said stifling a laugh.

'Please tell me that you've come to take me away from these Neanderthal.'

'Actually I need to talk to Puck.' She said to Kurt loud enough for the boy to hear. She watched as he put his tools down and walk over to them.

'Q, are you okay?' He asked. 'Is the baby okay?'

'I'm fine, the baby is fine.' She replied. 'I just really need to talk to you. When do you go on break?'

'I'll cover for you.' Finn called out.

'Thanks bro.' Puck said. 'Let's go.'

The soon to be parents walked outside. 'Why are you here Q?'

'I-' That's when she realised how dumb she was. This was pointless.

'Talk to me Q.'

She took a deep breath and prepared to speak. 'Every morning before you leave for work you kiss my forehead. Why was it my lips today?'

'That's what this is about?' He asked.

She suddenly felt stupid. It was just a meaningless kiss to him. 'I-I should go.' She wanted to walk away but Puck held her back.

'Look, if you think that we're moving to fast or you don't want anything to do with me-'

'No, no.' She said. 'That's the thing Puck. I've wanted you to do that for a long time. I'm just scared-'

'Of me?'

'No. Of me hurting you. Look at what I did to Finn. I don't want to do that to you.'

'I don't want to hurt you either.' He said. 'If we care about eachother we could never hurt one another. I really care about Q.'

'I care about you too.'

'Then don't be scared.' He said. He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her.

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