The power of love (Quick)

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Summery- My take on what should have happened when Quinn got in the car accident.
Season/Episode - Season 3 Episode 15 On my way
Paring- Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman

Puck was waiting in the boys room pacing up and down. He hated weddings, his mum and dad were divorced, his grandparents were divorced, he hated them.

Everyone was waiting for Quinn, she promised she'd be there. Sure, she wasn't happy about the fact that Finn and Rachel were only 18 but she reluctantly agreed to be a bridesmaid.

Quinn was driving to the wedding she was about 5 minutes away with her phone beeping loudly every 10 seconds. She knew it was Rachel asking where she was. The blonde knew that the bride to be was probably worried that she got lost or maybe even got in a car accident so she decided to text back, she knew she shouldn't do it, but she kept her eyes on the road while typing 'Im on my way.'

Suddenly a truck rammed into the side of the red car. The car spinned so many times that Quinn had become so disoriented with her surroundings, she hit her head causing her to drift in and out of consciousness. She could taste blood in her mouth and she could feel it oozing down her face. All of a sudden there was a sharp shooting pain going up her legs into her torso. She knew she was going to die, she knew she would never see him again. She tried to reach her phone to call him, to finally tell him how she felt while she still had the chance. She heard the sound of his voice repeatedly saying her name, she tried to answer but it was like her brain wasn't letting her speak, then she drifted into a deep sleep and the pain went away.


He was still pacing up and down waiting for Quinn to arrive, he had a gut feeling that something had happened.

'She's on her way.' Rachel said holding up her phone that said the text. 'When she gets here we can finally get married.' The pint sized bride said hugging Finn.

Puck felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, he looked at the phone and saw Quinn's name, his heart sank, he knew something was wrong. He picked up the phone and heard heavy breathing, a car alarm and eventually sirens. He said Quinn's name over and over again increasing getting louder and more worried, waiting for some sort of reply knowing that she wasn't dead. The whole glee club looked at the mohawked boy with worry in their eyes.

He heard paramedics asking if she was okay trying to get her to respond.

'Hi, I am a paramedic on the scene of a car accident and the victim was calling you, can you tell me her name.' A woman with a soft voice said into the phone

'Quinn, Lucy Quinn Fabray, is she okay?' Puck said holding back the tears.

'She is unconscious and not responsive, she is losing a lot of blood and we are going to get her to the hospital and try to save your friend.' The woman said and hung up the phone.

Puck slowly turned around a lowly said. 'It's Quinn, she was in a car accident.'


The glee club went to the hospital Quinn was being treated at, there was no news for hours, the last thing that they heard was she was in surgery. Puck couldn't figure out why she was trying to call him before she slipped into unconsciousness.

Finn sat next to Puck who was still trying to not cry. It was getting harder by the minute.

'You haven't talked to Quinn since the whole trying to steal Beth back fiasco.' Finn said breaking the silence.

'Exactly, why would she call me after the accident? I'm not leaving this hospital until I know she is alive and okay.'

'Dude it's been five hours you need to sleep. Everyone has gone home now, you should too.'

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