Wedding Crasher

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They haven't seen each other in nearly 6 years after he took off after they gave up their daughter. She remembers their last conversation where the love and passion that usually filled his eyes when he spoke to her was replaced with anger and hatred. Safe to say when she hadn't heard from him all summer and when Santana had told her that he moved, she was broken.

Now 6 years later she still can't get him out of her head, no matter how hard she tries. Her phone began to ring with her bestfriend Santana calling her.

'I have bad news.'

'Great.' The blonde rolled her eyes.
Was there ever any good news?

'Open your door.' Santana said, the blonde followed her instructions and sure enough the Latina was standing outside her house holding a card. 'It came in the mail today.'

The blonde took the card and her heart sank as she read it.

We welcome you to attend the wedding of Noah Puckerman and Taylor New.

'I-I don't care.' She said handing the card back to Santana, she walked into her apartment and sat on the couch clutching a pillow to her chest.

'You're allowed to be upset Q. I know you still love him.'

'It doesn't matter how I feel. He doesn't feel the same.'

'He doesn't know you feel the same. He told you that he loved you when Beth was born and you didn't say it back.'

'What are you trying to say S?'

'You're coming to the wedding with me.'


They sat at the back of the church and Quinn wore a hat that covered her face. She could have sworn that she felt his eyes on her but that was quickly torn away when she saw his bride walking down the aisle.

'I can't do this.' She said to Santana before standing up and running out of the church as discreetly as possible, what she didn't know what that he saw her.


It's been two weeks since the wedding. Quinn hadn't left her house since and spent her time watching rom coms. She had just finished watching 27 dresses when the door bell rang. She reluctantly tore the blanket off of her and walked over to the door. She looked into the peep hole and what she saw made her heart flutter. There he was, standing outside her apartment...Noah Puckerman.

She froze. She didn't want to open the door. How the hell did he find where she lived? Damn Santana.

'Open the door Q. I know your in there.' His voice sounded through the door. He still sounded the same.

She took a deep breath and swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. 'H-Hi.' She said once she opened the door. She was able to get a better look at him now. He was still the same old Puck in the surface. He was still sporting the awful Mohawk that used to drive her insane. But there was something different about him.

He looked at her and she was still as beautiful as he remembered. 'What were you doing at my wedding Fabray?'

Her heart stopped. What was she meant to say? Before she knew it her eyes were welling with tears. 'I can't do this right now Puck. Just please go. Go and be with your wife.' She said attempting to shut the door but he was stronger and manager to stop the door from closing.

'I didn't get married.' He blurted out. Her grip on the door became weak and she opened the door fully. 'You really know how to screw with a guys head. I guess that hasn't changed since high school.'

She laughed weakly. 'What are you doing here Puck?'

'I still love you. After all these years I thought I'd got past it but the second I saw you all of the feelings that I had locked away for  all these years came tumbling out.'


'You came to my wedding, after all of these of not seeing each other you came. That's means something. Tell me.'

'I-' she choked on her words. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. 'I don't want to love you. Everyday I fight against it and try to forget, praying that what I felt for you would disappear.'


'They didn't disappear. I still love you. That's why I went to you wedding because I wanted to see if you still loved me too. I know it was selfish but-'

She was cut off by Puck kissing her. 'I love you.' He said lowly once they pulled away. 'Do you love me?'

She nodded and pulled him in to kiss him again.

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