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She opened the bottle of champagne with an excited squeal at the thought that all of her pain will be nothing but a fuzzy memory as she takes a sip.

She pours herself a glass and quickly swallows it before quickly forgetting the glass and drinking straight from the bottle. It made her head swim.

Quinn picked up her phone and giggled as she dialled his number.

'Hi.' She said with bubbly voice.


'Whatcha doing?' She said moving to lay in her stomach as she twirled a strand of her hair between her fingers.

'I just got home from picking up Sara from soccer practice, what about you?' He replies, wondering what she was up too. She never called him.

'Well, I just picked up a bottle of champagne from my dads liquor cabinet.'

He sighed. 'Holy shit Q, are you drunk?'

She gasped dramatically. 'No!' She exclaimed. 'I am getting drunk.'

'Is that a good idea?'

She shrugs even though he can't see her. 'I don't know, but it's fun.' She giggles.

He sighs. 'I'm coming over.'

'Yay!' She exclaims. 'See you soon Noah.'


He climbs through her window. He knocks on the window and sees the blonde jump off of her bed and hurry over to the window. She opens it and before he can even properly get in the window, she pressed their lips together. Puck quickly pushes her away.

'You're drunk.'

'That's the point.'


'God Puckerman, when did become such a bore? Normally you would jump at the chance to get drunk and have sex.' Quinn replies as she picks up the bottle, she's about to take a sip but he quickly takes away from her.

'I think you've had enough.'

She rolls her eyes. 'Boring.' She grovels. She takes his hands and leads him over to the bed.

'Kiss me.' She says lowly against his lips.

'I can't.' He says pulling away from her.

'Why not?' She asks.

'Because I care about you too much.' Puck says softly. 'I don't want you to do anything you'll regret.'

She smiles softly. 'You're a good guy.'

'I try.' He shrugs with a goofy smile.

She smiles. 'Fine, if you're not going to have sex with me, you can at least stay here and lie with me.'

'Okay.' He agrees, helping her lay down and wrapping his arms around her.

'Puck.' Quinn says lowly.

He hums as if to tell her to carry on.

'I love you.'

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