Late night talks

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Mr Schue had got him a gig to clean the schools pool once a month. Puck only said yes he's because he needed more money for when he finally gets out of the dead end town and graduates.

He finishes late. It's nearing midnight by the time he's finished. He walks through the halls and it is strange being there at night, especially when there is no one to be seen. That is until he hears a defeated sigh come from one of the classrooms. He steps closer and sees Quinn sitting in the back of the classroom with a notepad, her laptop, and a reusable coffee cup. He peers closer into the room and sees a ton of crumpled up paper on the floor.

'Sup Princess.' He says making himself known to the blonde as he leans against the doorframe.

He clearly startles her. 'Jesus Puck, you scared the crap out of me.'

'Sorry.' He says with a laugh. He isn't sorry, he loves messing with her. 'Why are you still here?'

'I could ask you the same thing.' She returns. She isn't in the mood for his games. She stands up and begins to pick up each ball of paper she threw on the floor. She feels his eyes on her as she walks to the trash can, and on the way back to her chair.

'You didn't answer my question?' He says walking towards her and sits on the desk infront of her.

'You didn't answer mine.' She shrugs.

'I asked you first.'

'I'm trying to write my admissions statement for Yale. The key word being trying.' She replies. 'Your turn.'

'I clean the pool once a month.'

She hummed. 'Of course were both here at the same time.'

'It's fate babe.'

She rolls her eyes.

'Why couldn't you do this at Home?'

'Because my mother is driving me insane.' She says before she can process what she's saying. She doesn't like opening up to Puck. But it's too easy to talk to him.


'You've met my mother, you know what she's like.'

'Ohh I definitely know. Good ol' Judy.'

Quinn laughs. He's missed her laugh. It feels like it's been so long since she was herself around him. She crumples up another piece of paper and throws it on the floor. Puck quickly picks it up and reads it.

'You haven't mentioned Beth.'

She laughs. 'Yeah, I would like to actually get accepted. Teen mom doesn't scream Yale material.'

'I think you should write about her.' He says. 'How many other applicants have went through what you have and are still sane? Teen pregnancy, giving the baby up for adoption, yet you never let yourself slip. You still have a four point o. You still do extra curricular and volunteer. It would really set you apart from everyone else. You're special Q. You should write about you. The real you.'

She smiled shyly. 'Fine. But if this all backfires I'm blaming you.'

'Okay.' He agrees.


She got her letter. She hasn't dared to open it. Not yet. She drives to Pucks house as quickly as possible and runs up the drive way. She bangs on the door furiously until he answers.

'Jesus Q are you trying to break the door?'

'I got my letter.' She says ignoring his question.

'Have you opened it?'

'No.' She shakes her head. 'I wanted you to be there when I did.'

He takes her hands and takes her up to his room. 'I can't look.' She says.

'Do you want me too?' Puck asked. She nods and hands him the envelope. They stand a few feet apart. Puck opens the letter and a smile tugs at the corner of his lips. 'You got in!' He exclaims.

Her eyes widen. 'I got in?' She asked to make sure she heard him right.

'You got in!'

'Oh my god I got in.' She exclaimed as she hugs him. 'I got in.'

'I'm so proud of you.' He says once they pull away but are still close.

The blonde pulls him back in by his t shirt and kisses him. He quickly deepens the kiss because he has no clue what suddenly came over her but he was going to treasure the moment while it lasts.

'Why did you do that?'

'I couldn't have done it without you.'

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