Guns and Roses

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⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️
Guns, school shooting

Quinn and Puck were walking through the hallway hand in hand on the way to glee practise.

'I forgot something in the locker room.' Quinn said.

'Should we go back and get it?' Puck asked.

'I'll go.' She said. She stood on her tip toes and kissed him. 'I'll be in the choir room in five minutes.'

He let her go off and walked into the choir, sitting next to Santana.

'Let's begin.' Mr Schue said once the majority of the club was there. 'Sectionals.' He began but was cut off by the sound of a gun.

Everyone immediately panicked. Mr Schue urged everyone to get around the side of the rooms and got Finn to help barricade the door.

Puck stood frozen in the middle of the room. Quinn wasn't here, she was somewhere in the school alone. She might have been with the shooter.

'Puckerman get down.' Sam urged them boy.

He was still frozen.

'Quinn isn't here.' He said making his way towards the door. Both Sam and Finn stopped him from opening the door. 'I need to make sure that Quinn is okay. I need her to be okay.' His anger growing every second he was in the room. They managed to calm him down and sat him with Santana.

'Quinn's fine. No one would want to hurt her.' The Latina said lowly.

Pucks eyes wandered to the other door. No one that could stop him was near it. He jumped up and ran for the door letting himself out. He knew it was stupid and that he could get hurt but he needed to make sure Quinn was okay. He would rather die than see her hurting.

He made his way to the locker room where he knew Quinn was. He opened the door quietly and saw Quinn on the ground sobbing and a hooded figure. He didn't know what to do. He remained as quiet as possible. The boy tried to get a better look of the person and he searched his mind for anyone who would want to hurt Quinn. The person held the gun up and he was about to fire. All common sense flew out the window and his protective instincts came in and he reached forward to attack the armed gunman. The two wrestled and Quinn screamed to get help. The next thing they knew the gun went of. The bang echoed in her ears. She hoped and prayed that it was the gun man who was shot. But she watched as Puck fell to the floor. 'No!' She screamed out. She got out her phone and called 911. The gunman ran away.

She rushed over to Puck and took a hold of his hand. 'Puck.' She sobbed softly. 'Keep your eyes open. Help is coming.'

'I always knew I'd take a bullet for you.' He choked out. His hand found a it's way to her face. She held his hand there and rubbed circles on his hand. Her vision was blurry and all she saw was red. There was blood everywhere.

'I love you Quinn Fabray.'

'You are the love of my life Noah Puckerman.' She sobbed. She watched as he drifted out of consciousness. She heard the paramedics run into the locker room. She completely blacked out.


'Quinn, you need to go home.' Santana said to her. She hadn't left the hospital. Puck was in surgery and the doctors and Puck was fighting for his life.

'Not until I know he's okay.'

'He's in surgery. We won't know until morning.'

'Then I'll stay here until morning.' She shrugged. 'I'm going to find Ruth. I'll see if she knows anything.' She walked away to find Puck's mother who worked in the hospital. 'Have you heard anything?' She asked running up to her.

'He just got out of surgery and he's stable. He's awake.' His mother smiled.

'Oh thank god.' She smiled hugging the older woman.

'You can go see him.'


He was hooked up to a million machines. Breathing machines covered his mouth and there were a million tubes everywhere. He was staring at the celling but perked up once he heard the door open.


'I'm so glad that you're okay.'

'It'll take a lot more than a bullet to take down puckasurus.'

'I love you.'

'Who was the shooter?'

'I don't know. His face was covered.' She said. She sat on the edge of his bed and noticed the flowers on his bed side. They were roses.

'I'll kill him.'

'You're lucky he didn't kill you.' She replied.

'I didn't die.'

'You could have.' She said. 'If you did, I-I don't know I'd do.'

'Stop it.' He said slowly. 'I'm not going anywhere. Not now not ever.'


'I promise.'

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