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'I need a favour.' Quinn said walking up to Puck at his locker. She really didn't want to do this.

'No.' He replied bluntly as he closes his locker and walks away.

She sighs deeply before catching up to him. 'Noah please.'

'Don't call me that.' He says harshly, refusing to look at her.

She reaches out for his hand and pulls him back. 'Please.'

'Ask your boyfriend.' He replies. 'Wait is that Finn or Sam now?'

Her eyes widened. 'How do you know about that?'

'I was looking for Lopez after the football game and I saw you kiss Finn.'

'You and Santana?'

'You don't get to do that anymore Q. You broke up with me.' He says with a sign. 'You need to stop with this cheating shit Quinn. Can't you have one boyfriend that you don't cheat on?'

'I didn't cheat on you.'

'But you broke my heart.' He blurts out. 'That's worse.' He turns on his heel and walks out of the school heading for his truck.

'Puck, please. Will you just hear me out?'


'I need you to be my boyfriend-'

'No way.'

She rolls her eyes. 'I need you to be my boyfriend for a few hours on Saturday.'

'No.' He opens the door to his truck and gets in. He's about to start the car but Quinn gets into the car and sits in the passenger seat. Quickly taking his keys out the ignition and locking the door. 'Good to know that you're still crazy.'

'Please Puck.'

'Why can't you ask your real boyfriend? Or Finn?'

'Because it's my sisters wedding and my family know about Beth.' He swallows hard as Beth's name is mentioned. 'My mom and dad want my family to think that we're together, so it doesn't look like I'm a slut that got knocked up by some dude.'

He sighs deeply. 'Your family hate me.'

'I know.'

'And I hate them.'

'I know.' She repeats. 'But so do I.' She laughs. 'Please.'

He sighs. 'Fine.'

'Thank you.' She smiles.


He wishes that he never agreed. It was a bad idea. She forced him to wear a suit and even bought him a tie so that he could match her dress.

'Ready for this?' Quinn asks as she gets into his truck.

'Your dad is going to kill me.'

'No he won't.' She laughs nervously receiving a looking from the boy. 'Okay maybe you just shouldn't talk to him.'

'The only person I'm going to talk to is you.' Puck says.

'I don't know, some of the bridesmaids are pretty.'

'But none of them are you.' He blurts out. Quinn blushes and bites her lip to fight the smile.

It silent for a few minuets but then Quinn speaks. 'Did you read the flash cards?'

'Yes.' He says.

She sighs in relief. 'Thank you for doing this.'

'It's okay.'


They go. Puck is polite and even manages to have a conversation with her father about football. Quinn makes him dance with her during the slow songs and it isn't as much torture as they thought it would be.

'I had fun tonight.' Quinn says as Puck walks her to her door.

'So did I.' He nods.

'Everyone bought that we were a real couple and that we love eachother.'

'Because I wasn't pretending.' He says.

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