Without you

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A/N this one shot is dedicated to timesoftrouble who gave the inspiration for this one shot ❤️

His heart was broken. After the whole baby gate situation he thought that they could finally be together, be happy. But he had to screw it all up. Just because he couldn't keep it in his pants he fucked it up and lost her.

It's been a week without waking up in the middle of the night to go to the nearest 7/11 to by her ice cream at 3am. A week since he woke up with his arms wrapped around her and her head on his chest.


She missed him. She moved out because she thought it would be easier for the both of them. She missed his face being the first and last thing she saw everyday.

She was laying in her bed at around 6pm with Mercedes watching re runs of full house as they both thought uncle Jesses was hot. Mercedes and her family had made her feel welcome but the house was too quiet. She missed Pucks mom yelling at them for being to loud whilst they both laughed at his terrible (yet hilarious) jokes. She missed his sister teasing them about being in love and getting married.

They heard a knock on the door and Quinn went to go answer the door but Mercedes stopped her.

'Woah woah baby mama I'll get you stay here.'

'I'm capable to answer a door.'

'I'll get it.' Mercedes said left the room.


Puck mustered up he courage to see her. He needed to see her more than the 30 minuets that he does in glee club. He found Mercedes house after during around Lima for what felt like hours as he threatened Kurt that if he didn't tell him Mercedes address he would rip his next sweater made by a fancy designer.

He walked up the drive way to the front door and gathered his thoughts.

'Puckerman?' Mercedes asked while she opened the door.

'Jones.' He greeted the girl. 'I need to see Quinn.'

'You can't.'

'Why not?' Puck asked.

'All of this stress is not good for Quinn or your baby. She moved out for a reason.'

'Please.' He pleaded knowing his was totally wrecking his badass image.

'You can't just show up here out of the blue and expect Quinn to come running back into your arms.' She replied.

'Mercedes please.' Puck could have sworn that was the first time he ever called her Mercedes.

'Sorry Puck. I just don't think Quinn can handle this.' And with that she closed the door.

Mercedes made her way back to Quinn's room. She was trying to protect her. Ever since the blonde quit the Cheerios they have been good friends and She wanted nothing more than to protect her.

'Who was it?' Quinn asked.

'No one.' Mercedes quickly replied and Quinn raised an eyebrow. 'Fine. But don't hate me.'

'I could never.' She reassured the girl.

'It was Puck. He wanted to see you. I told him that it wasn't a good idea.' Mercedes revealed.

'Is he okay?'

'He seemed upset, I've never seen him like that before.'

Quinn jumped up and looked out the window to check if his truck was still parked out front. It was.

Quinn grabbed her dressing gown and ran outside. She was greeted by the cold march air and a shiver washed over her. She saw Puck in the drivers seat of the car and knocked lightly on the window and startled him.

'Quinn!' He got out of the truck and hugged her.

'I missed you too.' She whispered.

'I'm sorry that I messed everything up.' Puck sighed.

'Don't be.' She whispered. 'Mercedes and her family are good to me but it's weird waking up without you hogging all of the blanket.'

'It's weird not waking up at 3am because you want ice cream or doughnuts.' Puck said and the two shared a laughed.

'It was sweet of you to check up on me.' Quinn smiled slightly nudging him.

'Sweet? I'm not sweet. I'm tough and a badas-' before Puck could finish he was cut off by Quinn's soft lips.

'You are sweet.' Quinn whispered against Pucks lips as they pulled away.

'Only for you and our babygirl.'

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