Power cut

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'Puck.' Quinn whined laying in the on his(their) bed.

'Babe.' Puck said walking into his (their) room.

It was winter break and Quinn was living with the Puckerman's since her parents kicked her out.

'I'm hungry.'

'When are you not?' Puck teased while automatically reaching for his leather jacket to go to the store.

'I want takeout.' Quinn said sitting up.

'Okay.' Puck shrugged. At this point his just agreed with every single word the blonde said because he didn't want to get on her bad side.

Suddenly the lights went out. 'Puck fix the lights quickly.' Quinn said as her breathing hitched. She was deathly afraid of the dark.

'Calm down blondie.' He sighed walking to the power box which was in the room next to his. 'I'm sure it's just a glitch in the fuse box.' He looked in the closet where the fuse box was and everything was normal. He walked back into his room peered out the window, the whole streets lights were out. He turned on the flashlight from his phone.

'There's a power cut.' He said looking at the blonde who's eyes were clenched shut, like she'd die if she opened them. 'Q, are you okay?'

'I'm fine. I'm just really scared of the dark.' She said.

'What are you? Six?'

'Shut up.' She said. Puck sat next to the blonde and held her hands.

'You're okay.' He said. 'It'll turn on any minute.'

Ten minutes later. Still no power.

'I'm gonna go next door to see if their power is back on.' Puck said and attempting to stand up but Quinn pulled him back down.

'Don't go. Please.' She begged. He smiled and sat back down as she moved in closer to him.

'Why are you scared of the dark?' He asked.

'It's not a deep physiological problem.' She said in defence. 'You can't tell anyone.'

'It'll be our secret baby.' He teased while pushing a stray piece of her behind her ear. 'I promise.' He said offering her his pinky. She took it.

'When I was five or six, Frannie and I were in the attic and she left and left me in there the whole night. It was pitch black and my mom and dad didn't even notice I was gone. It's stupid.'

'It's not.' He said kindly. 'It's cute.'

'Shut up.' She said blushing but it was dark so he couldn't see... or so she thought.

'It's pitch black and I can see you blushing.' He teased again. He loved it when they were like this. Flirting and teasing eachother. Like they were in love. 'Like', They we're in love. Neither would admit it

'You are such an egg head.' She said lowly.

He hummed in amusement and leant back on the bed. She bit her lip and moved to straddle him.

'What are you doing?'

'We have some time to kill while the power is out.' She said with a smirk that drove him wild.

'We do.' He said smirking back. And the next thing they knew they were kissing and smiling into each others lips.

A few moments later the lights came back on. Two broke away from the kiss.

'You wanted take out right?'

'I think that can wait twenty minutes...or more.' She smirked.

'Okay.' He said eagerly and kissed her again he moved hers she was now laying on her back and he was on top being careful of her bump.

'Hey Puck.' She breathed out ash is lips traveled down her neck. He hummed as if to tell her to carry on talking.

'Turn the light off.'

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