Second best

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He's back from Juvie and the only thing on his mind is Quinn. He goes straight to her house.

'What are you doing here?' She asked harshly as she opened the door. Okay maybe they didn't leave things on the sweetest note and him leaving for two weeks defiantly put a strain on their 'relationship.'

'Really Q?' He asked with a smirk. 'That's how we're going to greet eachother?'

She raises an eyebrow and he steps closer to her. She feels her breathing hitch as she tries to ignore the increased speed of her heart beat.

'Because I have a better idea.' He says lowly. It takes every ounce of power to not kiss him then and there. He closes the small space between them and sweeps away a stray strand of hair that fell onto her face. He slowly leant in and connect their lips. It isn't long before two weeks worth of longing and missing eachother takes over and they're desperately trying to be closer to the other.


'We shouldn't have done that.' Quinn says. They had sex. It was inevitable, they both knew the moment that Puck showed up in her doorstep that it would end in sex.

'You know that really starts to loose it's affect after you say it every single time we have sex.'

'I don't like that word.' She says softly. 'It sound to casual.'

'What do you want me to say then?'

'I don't want you to say anything. I want you to shut up and listen to me for a second.'

He nods.

'I'm dating someone. Sam Evans he's on the football team.'

'I know who he is.' His jaws clenched and his eyes narrowed. 'I thought you wanted this year to be about you.'

'I need to be back on top. Sam will get me there.'

He scoffs. 'I thought you were over that.'

'You thought wrong.' She says softly. 'I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen.'

'Fine.' He puts on his jeans and his shirt. 'See you around.'

'Puck, don't go.'

'I'm not being your behind closed door fuck again Q.' He blurts out. 'That's what I was last year and it fucking sucked.'


'I'm not being second best to you anymore.'

'You're not.'

'Then be with me, tell me that you love me.'

'I-I-' She stutters but no sound comes out.

'Fine.' He says sadly. And with that he's gone. She cried herself to sleep the night.

They see eachother the next day at school. She makes eye contact and offers a warm smile. He looks away.

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