Wildest dreams

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This was it, the last time they would ever see each other before she went to New Haven and he went to LA.

This wasn't how senior year was supposed to end. Puck had worked his ass of to get over one Quinn Fabray but the way she looked at the glee club beach party he couldn't resist. The way her hair shone in the sunlight, the red lipstick that he was dying to ruin and the way her dress blew in the light summer breeze.

'Lady Fabray.' He said handing her a wine coolers.

'Puckerman.' She returned.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes with Puck taking occasional swigs of his beer and Quinn swirling patterns in the sand with her fingers.

'Which one of these losers do you think you'll miss most after grad?' Puck asked looking at his fellow glee members playing in the sea.

Quinn smiled and replied. 'You.'

'Don't try and flatter me Fabray.' Puck said taking a swig of beer. 'Are you sure you won't miss lady lips the most?'

Quinn looked at the sea and saw Sam picking up Brittany and throwing her into the cold water. She laughed 'No. What about you?'

'You.' He smirked.

Quinn sighed and looked down at the sand. 'Do you miss her?'

Puck knew who the blonde was talking about. 'Everyday.'

'I'm sorry I screwed it up for you.' She said lowly.

'I'm sorry for sleeping with Shelby.' Puck confessed. 'I can't imagine how that made you feel.'

'About the same as when you came back from juvie and saw me with Sam.' Quinn replied.

Puck cringed at the memory. He walked into he school and saw her and trouty mouth making out at her locker. Before he left she told him that she needed time and would tell him when she was finally ready for a relationship with him. He waited, the fact was that he would jump as soon as she said she was ready for a relationship. He bowed his head in shame punch the nearest locker.

'How'd you-'

'Santana.' She replied giving him a guilty look.

'You told me you weren't ready.' Puck said lowly.

'Ready to have a relationship with you.' She sighed. 'Seeing you reminded me of her and all that we lost once we gave her up. I know how much you wanted to keep her and it made me feel guilty.'

'Why him?' Puck asked shooting dangers at the blonde boy.

'I don't know.' She confessed. 'When Beth came back I thought that we could get her back, be a real family just like you wanted. I screwed up and now we'll probably never see her again because I was selfish.' Quinn sighed again. 'I'm sorry.'

'Don't be.' Puck gave her a reassuring smile.

Quinn finished off her wine cooler and said. 'Wanna get out of here?'

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