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Quinn and Puck were sitting in the living room watching a movie. It was Saturday night and that's what they had decided to do. The two had been living together for a little over two months and it was going well. Quinn, Ruth and Sara got along well and Puck wasn't the arrogant asshole he acted at school.

The door bell rang and they assumed it was Mike or Santana at the door. Puck got up guy try and went to answer the door. He looked into the peephole and saw something he wished he didn't...his father. The man who had abused him and his mother for the first half of his life. He walked out when the boy was 8 and Puck had no intention on seeing him again. He hated his guts.

Puck rushed into the living room. 'You need to go upstairs and don't come out of my bedroom until I tell you to.'

'Puck What is going on?' Quinn asked quickly panicking for her, the baby and Pucks safety.

'Q, please.' He pleaded. 'I'll explain everything afterwards.' He didn't want his dad to find out about Quinn or the baby.

The blonde went upstairs and looked out the window. She saw a man standing outside. Some of his facial feature were familiar to the blondes. It clicked, that's Pucks dad.


'What do you want?' Puck asked.

'That's no way to speak to your old man, where's my hug?' Martin Puckerman said.

'What do you want?' Puck repeated.

'I hear you knocked up some chick.' Martin said. 'Apparently it was the Fabray daughter. The one who was the president of the celibacy club.'

'Don't talk  about her.' Pucks jaw was clenched. His blood began to boil, his fists were clenched so hard that his knuckles had turned white.

'Why? Is Puckerman inlove?' His voice was mimicking and patronising.

'You need to leave.'

'I wanna meet your baby mama, is she here? I know Russel Fabray wouldn't want a whore for a daughter, who gets knocked up by good for nothing delinquents.'

That really did it. Before Puck could stop himself. His fist collided with his fathers face. 'What do you want to make you go away?'




The whole interaction Quinn had her ear pressed against the door of Puck's room. She could only hear parts of the interaction. Like Pucks father asking to see her and Puck immediately punching him, she heard the noise of the collision.

He walked into the bedroom and Quinn hugged him tightly. It was simple but it instantly made him feel better.

'Have I ever told you how much I hate my dad?'

'You may have mentioned it a few times.'  The two sat on the bed and Puck explained the whole interaction.

'He tried to go upstairs to see you, so I punched him. He wouldn't leave so I gave him money.'

'Puck why would you do that?'

'Because I know I'd never see him again.' He said. 'I don't want to risk him coming and seeing our baby. I don't him to have anything to do with her.'

'I love you.'

'I love you.'

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