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(Y/n) (L/n),

birthday— apr. 18th
gender— female
height— 5'7 1/2
skin color— tan

hair color— space blue, bangs and a bit messy, length is below the shoulders, can get really curly at some times depending.
eye color— electric blue, a shade darker but still noticeable, narrowed with slight red tint or eye shadow surrounding it, long eyelashes , slightly noticeable eye bags, lines the inner corner of her eye with eyeliner

sexuality— anything except straight
blood type— O
—can drive and owns a car, canines

chains and cremation

chains— at age four (Y/n) felt pain on her hands until chains shot out. She has a bracelet connected with rings so it's easier to conjure the chains and it won't sting when she does, the chains are tinted a blue color

—hands get sore, cramp up, when overused they sting and bleed, while also draining the users stamina, user has to be strong enough to manipulate the chains in order to use them as weapons.
—uses for capture, similar to Eraserhead, they are very durable and can be used as a shield, the color is a dull blue, can use as whips too.

cremation— At age 7 when (Y/n) was training with her chains they started glowing blue then burst into blue flames like Dabis. At first she thought she could only use the fire on the chains but figured out it was a different quirk not just her chain one.

causes body to overheat due to its overwhelming temperature, burns appear if not used correctly or used recklessly, (Y/n) has a healthy and strong body, her body is able to withstand the heat so she only gets minor burns unless she overdoes it.
able to light chains on fire to cause more damage in combat, she doesn't use it as much as her chains since cremation is destructive.

she is naturally fast and agile, has great reflexes.


Aiko (L/n),
birthday— feb. 14
gender— female
height— 5'11
hair color— dark brown, layered and fluffy.
eye color— navy blue, narrowed with the same red tint as (Y/n) along with long eyelashes.
—born in san luis potosí, mexico
quirk— white flames/pure fire.
Aiko can generate extremely destructive flames, hotter than cremation. Though the output is severe so she never uses it, causes major burns, surpasses 4,000 degrees.

Daichi (L/n),
birthday— jan. 20th
gender— male
height— 6'0
hair color— space blue, long
eye color— light blue, narrowed and long eyelashes
skin color— pale tone of brown
—born in musutafu
quirk— weapon conjure
Daichi can conjure different weapons anytime he wants but he gets severe migraines when he overused it, mostly metal weapons and there are three second intervals.

Aizawa Shouta,
birthday— nov. 8
gender— male
height— 6'0
hair color— black, long
eye color— black, narrowed with eyebags
skin color— light
—born in tokyo
quirk— erasure
Shouta is able to cancel out other quirk powers and abilities by simply looking at his target, it has a limit to how long it can be kept activated otherwise he'll get dry eyes.

more about her,
wears pants instead of the U.A skirt, though if she has to wear it she will
—strawberry milk or coconut milk is her go to drink anytime
—she walks around a lot at night
—she's a pretty calm person, when she doesn't show the side of her that doesn't care about her personal life
—cats and people in general are drawn to the warmth she emits unconsciously, due to cremation her body is usually more degrees higher than anyone without her quirk
—she can lull anyone to sleep
—sympathizes with villains for multiple reasons.
—is pretty sadistic

—the pre quirk era was years ago, it's maybe around the 2500 or 3000 in this fanfic, you all don't need to use this as your visual but this is the oc. If you want white hair or other different colors go for it.

 If you want white hair or other different colors go for it

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