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hypnotize (2007 remaster)

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hypnotize (2007 remaster)

"Alright, there's only one week left before your final exams begin

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"Alright, there's only one week left before your final exams begin. Im sure you're all studying constantly right? Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about. Now let's get started...and take the earbuds out of your ears (Y/n)." The latter stared at her adoptive father with half lidded eyes.

"Kay." she took them off and put them in her pocket— the lesson started. 'If 23 x 5 is 115, 26 x 5 would be 128...right?' She looked back up to the equation on the board then back down on her notebook. 'So confused..'


Her eyes shot up in surprise, she looked around— no one was even looking at her. '130..!' Again, a sudden cold breeze picked up and washed over her. The blue haired girl tugged on her collar— she couldn't breath. She picked up her pencil again and pressed down on the paper Stop doing that. Whispers came rushing in— her senses sharpened.

The chalk on the chalkboard made her ears ring, shut up please. Her writing became messy and the whispers got louder "Dammit not now." Louder, the chair screeched on the floor as she stood up— the class turned to her paling figure "Can i please go to the bathroom?" Aizawa nodded, suspicion entered his being, she looked pale— too pale, as if she was sick.

"Go see Recovery girl too.."

"No i just need the bathroom." the ex-vigilante ran out before anyone could say anything. "She's been acting different lately, it started some days ago." The class then turned to Todoroki who was clutching his pants with a conflicted look. "Now that i think about it, she hasn't been as active.." The pink haired girl announced and Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari nodded with her statement.

"It's probably nothing, worry about your exams. (Y/n) can deal with herself." They collectively pursed their lips— why did Mr.Aizawa say that? Why is he so unbothered by it? He's supposed to be her adoptive father, so why does he act like he doesn't care? The class dropped it, she was fine— she didn't need their help. (Y/n) was a strong person with a strong quirk— she could handle herself.

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