03 - candycanes get curious

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It was already the end of the first day at U

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It was already the end of the first day at U.A high, (Y/n) had gotten her car keys from Shouta before she left. He had brung the car to school for her to take back to her apartment since she left it at his. She already made friends with three people on her first day, she guesses it's a win.

Kirishima, Kaminari and Uraraka. Maybe even Bakugo but who knows what his deal is, (Y/n) would find out sooner or later. Skateboard safely tucked under her arm and the other stuffed in her pocket—she walked towards the car parked in the parking lot, a small crunch was heard as she bit down on the candy cane in her mouth.

There were small footsteps behind her and she glanced back, a dual haired boy walked aimlessly with a scrunched up face. No doubt that he didn't notice the girl walking in front of him. 'Damn old man, Fuyumi won't be home and neither will Natsu. If i go back home now he'll surely take advantage of it.' He chewed on the inside of his cheek in thought.

(Y/n) paused her steps, squinting, she looked at his hair then back at the sweet stick in her mouth. 'How ironic.' Shoto continued walking while also thinking of ways to stall going home for now. White sneakers entered his line of vision, he stopped in his tracks and looked up.

A girl that stood in front of him with space blue hair that went below her shoulders, vivid electric blue eyes— they had odd red like eyeliner. Her eye bags were noticeable and she had a scar from the corner of her left eye and when to her temple. He could see a small dot— birth mark on the end of her right eyebrow. She wore the school uniform in an odd way.

No doubt she was a girl but why a boys uniform? And she was wearing a diamond plaid cardigan and instead of a red tie— a dark green one to match. There was a weird  contraption under her arm that she held as her other hand had a odd bracelet, maybe for her quirk. He could see a small shimmer of gold coming from her ears— simple earrings.

He caught small glimpses of scars from under her sleeves but the dual haired boy could see the scars that littered her fingers clearly. Along with a small birthmark— a dot similar to the one on the edge of her eyebrow was in the middle of her thumb.

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