15 - love at first nomu incineration

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Eventually the light died down as the temperature was still high but slowly lowering

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Eventually the light died down as the temperature was still high but slowly lowering. The four boys and All Might peeked their heads out from the bushes to see what happened. The smoke cleared but before that they could still see the blue haired girls figure in it. "Is it over?" Midoriya asked worriedly.

The Nomu wasn't even here anymore— instead it was a pile of ash some feet in front of (Y/n). "Ha...geez, i over did that didn't i?" she looked at the angry red patch on her left arm— it was slowly turning into a purple color. Fuck, that hurt— her fingers were broken too and the glass in her back made it all worse.

Tomura stared at the girl with a bright blush, she seemed like and overpowered character like in a game. But this was real life so seeing it up close he couldn't help but let the heat rise to his cheeks. Plus he thought she was cool, the way her hai- shut up! He shouldn't be having these thoughts— she's a hero.

"Young (L/n)! Are you alright?" The pro hero came running over in a flash— he caught a whiff of her and almost gagged. The girl smelled like burning flesh and a weird burned iron smell. Her hero costume was torn to shreds and barely hanging off of her body.

"Yeah i'm fine." she gave a lazy smirk towards the remaining two villains. "Your Nomu was fucking ugly by the way." the blue haired girl laughed a bit. "I really have gotten weaker— in my prime 5 punches would've been enough to take that guy out but today it took more than 300 of my punches and young (L/n)s power."

She smacked the blondes bulky arm lightly and he let out a hiss. "Ah, sorry All Might. I forgot about my drawba..ck..s." she exhaled and leaned down a bit. "You can call me by my first name— you could say i'm not fond of my last." the girl slurred out but noticed something "Why are you smoking?.."

"Oh! It's nothing you need to worry about young (Y/n). But you've been bested villains— surrender!" the hero ordered and (Y/n)s face scrunched up in pain. Her hearing became muffled— her top was torn up so that made something tear under it too. She could feel the fake silicone skin peel off of her back and her eyes widened. 'No, it's gonna show.'

The blue haired girl had decided to ignore that as she saw the green haired boy jump up and try to land a punch on one of the villains. That failed as a portal appeared in front of him and she noticed a familiar hand stick out in the middle of it— her hands and legs twitched. 'Midoriya—!' Her legs moved before she could thing and a gunshot sounded.

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