10 - get on your knees & beg

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"You all need to pick a class representative

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"You all need to pick a class representative." The class sighed in relief 'Oh, just normal school stuff!' they thought collectively. "Pick me guys—! I want to be class rep!" Kirishima stood up abruptly and waved his hands around. "I'll take it!" Kaminari stood up after the spiky red haired boy. "Yeah, you're gonna need me." Jiro intervened.

"Someone with style would be best-" Aoyama was cut off by the acid user who pumped her fists up and down. "I'm totally the right pick!" she exclaimed. "I'll make all the girls skirts 30cm shorter!" Mineta added— promoting himself. Familiar white tape wrapped around his mouth as Sero mimicked (Y/n)s glare.

The purple toddler shuddered.

"Silence everyone please!" A voice cut everyone else's off, they turned to it— Iida made his now usual hand gestures. "The class representative students duty is to lead others— that's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom, therefore the most logical way to fill this position is democratically—we will hold an election to choose our leader!"

His hand was raised really high.

'It's obvious you want us to vote for you!' the class thought in unison. "Is that really the best idea?" the electricity user rose an eyebrow as he glanced around. "We've only known each other for a few days, how do we know who we can trust?" Tsu placed her pointer finger on her lips with— they turned to the blue haired girl...

..who was sleeping soundly.

'Maybe..she doesn't want the roll.' They all turned back to their conversation. "Besides, everyone would just vote for themselves." The red head pointed out. "Most people will but—that means whoever does receive multiple votes will truly be the most qualified person for the job. It's the best way right sir?" Iida turned to their teacher who only stared tiredly.

"Do whatever you want— just decided before my nap is over. Someone wake (L/n) up too." Before anyone could speak up the black haired man was already zipping himself inside the yellow caterpillar like sleeping back— he drifted off to his peaceful place of sleeping.

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