97 - kitty kitty & scarlet eyes

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'Shit!' The two teens held onto each other tightly, meanwhile the people guarding the outside of the compound—walked right past the alley that the two were hiding in, and the rat scurried away

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'Shit!' The two teens held onto each other tightly, meanwhile the people guarding the outside of the compound—walked right past the alley that the two were hiding in, and the rat scurried away. "So, you found the location of your clan's eyes?" Kurapika turned red and pushed her away, she was a bit too close for his hearts liking. "Yes. I did, no thanks to you." (Y/n) sat up and rubbed the back of her head, "Sorry. Had to deal with some villains and help out the police with some things. But it didn't really seem like you needed my help anyways." She stood up and smiled, "And-" He was already leaving the alley.

'Este wey-' "Hurry up, there's no time to waste." Her eye started to twitch, "Do you even have a plan? Do you even know where the eyes are located?" She followed after him, she noticed him wearing a suit. Wasn't very fitting for the occasion but she guessed it was classy? And the blonde had his hair tied up in a half up half down hair style. They reached the end of the alleyway, "I wouldn't charge in blind. I know what I'm doing, the eyes are underground. It's that building right there." They peeked their heads out to check, and it was a small building compared to the rest. They were in the midsts of the city after all.

There were vines growing all around and the windows were broken, it looked dead. And obviously abandoned, but, "Hey. You can see worn down tracks in the entrance." (Y/n) pointed at the blatant tracks running from the road and to the entrance of the fairly small sized building. It was like the Nomu factory from Kamino Ward, the fact that there wasn't any signs of people coming and going by the front door—it was obvious that people would use another method of getting into the factory. And that was easy with All For One. But here, it was different because there is signs of coming and going.

And the guards coming back to round the corner were all too in the light as well. "Can't believe Daichi got beat by his own damned daughter. It would've been less work if she joined our side." The two got back from peeking their heads out and (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows. 'Should've known better than to have thought I took down every phantom around in Japan. It ain't the Seven Deadly Sins or Daichi I gotta take care of now, it's the remaining parts of the gang. And who knows how much parts have branched out since the second last time we all fought. But I did bite off a lot of people, so maybe this wont be as difficult.'

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