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"I'm in a real bad mood, but things are starting to look up now

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"I'm in a real bad mood, but things are starting to look up now. It's a real shame you're fighting against me (Y/n), I really thought we could make this work out, I guess not." (Y/n) stared wide eyed at the new and improved duo of literal psychopaths. Chisaki had an additional pair of two arms, she could admit that he looked a bit scary. He had fused himself with Nemoto, one of his pawns. But all four arms had black mixed into it—which was Nemoto's cape getting mixed in—and they were all weirdly deformed and rocky like. His hair got spikier for some reason, his mask seemed to be fused onto his face too.

Black fabric also stuck out of the arms, and for Daichi, it wasn't all that similar but it wasn't all that different. He had five metal spikes coming out from his back and each side of his body, ten in total, they curled around to face forward. The spikes were like cylinders by towards the end—they gradually get sharper on the ends. To (Y/n)...they represented the spider legs on her back. She guessed her father's quirk evolved more than she expected it to, he went from creating plain weapons to honing his quirk to more advanced links to his power. Maybe if it was another person, (Y/n) would actually praise them for their skill.

They represented something she hated, just like the tattoos that she shared with him. His tie was loose and she had grazed his white button up shirt before destroying the barricade. So his heart tattoo was showing, the only difference between theirs was that his had all types of weapons circling the realizing heart. And hers had chains that were on fire—circling around it, the point was that whatever circling around the hearts, represented their quirks. But the spiders on their backs represented their place in the Phantoms, the cross meant she was the heir and he had the same one in the same place.

Although, there were three zeros in the middle of the spiders body. "Make it work out? You're literally delusional if you thought I was gonna actually date you or something." 'Gotta figure out what's gonna happen now, I can't see Aizawa or that Chrono guy anywhere. But Chisaki healed himself and healed Daichi in the process too, and he fused with the other guy that was on the floor. Wait...where are the rest of the Sins?! Damn, don't tell me I lost them! Zero Two is still there though, I just hope they make it out to the other heroes and the police.' "Y'know, I'm a clean freak."

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