94 - dreeeamy

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"Give 'em back!! Those ain't toys for you brats!" (Y/n)'s eyes shined in amusement, "No way! We ain't gonna do what you tell us to!" The kids were playing around with Bakugo's gauntlets, "Sheesh

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"Give 'em back!! Those ain't toys for you brats!" (Y/n)'s eyes shined in amusement, "No way! We ain't gonna do what you tell us to!" The kids were playing around with Bakugo's gauntlets, "Sheesh. Think you can make it any easier for them to steal from you?!" Todoroki turned to the other boy, "I took 'em off and put 'em aside cause' they're dangerous!!" He shot back. "Tell me why I'm here again..." Haru puffed one of his cheeks out and looked over to the blue haired girl. "Yeah, why's he here?" Junior leaned his elbows on the arm rest to stare the twenty two year old down.

"No reason," she smiled and hit the heels of her shoes on the ground. "Sooo this whole "connect with their hearts" assignment is kinda funny. Totes dunno what we're supposed to do..." Camie tried to reach out to one of the little girls but failed as the child hissed at her. "From the looks on their faces, team fish poop is at a total loss!" Mera sweat dropped at the loud blonde's commentary, "This is a training course. Have some respect for the process." He didn't look at him, and just replied with a, "Totes!" (Y/n) felt a pair of eyes stare at her, hard. She shivered and looked up to meet eyes with a boy that had purple hair.

His uniform was from Shiketsu, "That said, the way you're acting now, letting notions of contempt and denial drive you—resenting (L/n)—will lead you down a murky path and keep you from seeing the big picture. You should have a talk with her Shishikura, maybe you'll find out more of what you want to know." Seiji stared into the blue haired girl's soul and she stared back in confusion. "Go on, have a talk with her. You'll find out that she's not just the daughter of the Angel of Death. It'd do you some good." His teacher pat his shoulder, he watched the girls lips twitched upwards.

His pulse flinched when she waved at him and turned back around. "Who's that?" Haru looked back at the meat lover senpai. "Oh! Shishikura-senpai...he's a good person. But he gets on my nerves, he talks shit about you (Y/n)." She did a double take and rose an eyebrow, "But I don't even know him...do I?" She placed a hand on her chin and visibly pondered. Junior leaned back on the seat, "It's cause' of your dad. He doesn't really like me cause' of that too. But he's definitely influenced by your ideals." He poked her forehead, "That's sort of stupid. But I can't really get everyone to like me, so it doesn't matter."

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