88 - Try your best, Lemillion

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"Catching up shouldn't have been so easy," Chisaki paused to turn the blonde third year

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"Catching up shouldn't have been so easy," Chisaki paused to turn the blonde third year. "I took a shortcut, now I'm here for the girl," Mirio revealed. "You look like you're just a student, trying to act like a hero. Last time, you turned a blind eye to the situation. It's not like this girl is hoping to be saved by you." The young leader stared at him unimpressed before adding, "To her, you're no hero." The little girl in question—stared at him from behind Chronos plague mask which was in the way of her vision. "She's why I'm here." Chisaki turned around, "Not getting the picture, huh? Let me make it simple."

Mirio lunged at them while simultaneously sinking into the ground. Though that only lasted for a few seconds, his mind reeled and his body felt warpy. "What?!" He stumbled and his quirk deactivated, his body hit the wall on the right of him. 'All of a sudden, my sense of balance...' He slid down the wall and ended up with one hand on it and the other hand on the ground, trying to support his weight and gain some balance. "Bwa ha ha! Feeling drunk, are ya?! Hic! Like you can't...stand up...can't stand up straight?! Same here man!" There was a man clung onto a pole on the ceiling.

"Same here man! Which's why I ain't walked around down there!! Better stay away from me, or you'll get just as plastered!" Deidoro Sakaki chugged a bottle of alcohol while upside down, which ended up with him drenched in it. 'It must be his quirk! And right when Eri's in reach. It can't end like this, no!' There was another person aiming a gun at him, Mirio managed to dodge around two bullets but the others phased through him. "What the heck kinda quirk is that?" The boy leaped up to his feet in a squatting position with his hand still on the ground. "Permeation! When I use it...everything passed right through me!"

"?!" 'That just came out!' His eyebrows furrowed and he covered his lips with his fist unconsciously. "We were wondering how you popped up here, so that's how you were able to slip past Mimic and the others." The gun in Shin Nemoto's hand smoked. "Missed every shot? You suck!! You feeling tipsy or what?!" Deidoro threw his bottle at the other. "No, that's you're thing." He slapped it away from hitting him, "Me?" The drunkard questioned dumbly. "You just keep quiet and back me up," Mirio stood up, tried to at least. "So you force people to talk? You're not the type...to fight on the front lines..!"

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