57 - serenity, panic, realization, guilt

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heavy manga spoilers, if you don't understand much—read chapter 304 of the manga

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heavy manga spoilers, if you don't understand much—read chapter 304 of the manga.

(Y/n)s eyes shot open, she was met with pitch black darkness—nothing but a void

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(Y/n)s eyes shot open, she was met with pitch black darkness—nothing but a void. It was peaceful, 'So...i really died huh?' There was nothing, no walls, no sounds, no movements, absolutely nothing. It was the most amazing feeling, was time passing? She didn't know, somehow—she was floating and didn't have any injuries anymore. A small, content, smile graced her face with a softening of her eyes and relaxing of her body. She feels bad for leaving but, right now—she felt nothing but serenity.

Her eyes fluttered shut with a soft breath that escaped her lips. 'I'm sure someone will find the notebook and they'll save the sins.' Her smiled started to turn down. 'But...who's going to fix society? What about dad? Who's going to stop him?' She started to panic, 'I can't leave! There has to be a way to go back, come on! Shit, i should've thought this through!' She tried to move around—she couldn't. There was a weird whirring sound that the vigilante stop and glance around. "(Y/n).."

Her body went rigid as a hand was placed on her shoulder, there was a light behind her, to be specific—a presence. "My baby, my baby, you're my baby." The back of a warm hand caressed her cheek, she caught of glimpse of familiar pastel pink nail polish. Someone hugged her from behind and placed their hand on her forehead—pushing the hair in front of her face back. The scent of coconuts and before it rained invaded her nose. "Mom...?"

She glanced back to find a woman with unruly brown hair and narrowed navy blue eyes. "Mom!" She tried to hug the woman but gravity turned on and she phased right through the woman and tumbled onto floor covered by about three inches of water. She looked up from her laid position in shock, the woman was still there. "(Y/n), my darling..." The white dress she had on—flowed behind her as she went up to her daughter.

Aiko cupped her face in her warm hands and kissed the tip of her nose. "Mom? Is that really you?" She tried to desperately reach out for the woman—anything—but her hand only touched air. "Why can't i touch you?! Come on! Please, why are you doing this?! You can't just show up out of no where! Stop." The blue haired girl tried to push the woman away but it didn't work—instead, she continued to hug her. "Get off of me! How could you?! How dare you just leave me like that and expect me to not hate you!"

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