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good looking, suki waterhouse

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good looking, suki waterhouse

"Hmph! Goggles rule! The band keeps the lenses locked in place...so even a mighty wind won't keep 'em from protecting my peepers against bright flashes!" The rims of Sensoji's goggles twinkled as him and Yamada soared through the air on flying platforms. Curtesy of their boss. "Woah there! More like Mister Copycat! And after all that crap you gave Aizawa for it?!" The blonde yelled from his side. "Aizawa? Pfft! Like I care about that wimp. That gloomy weakling who can't stop whining?" Yamada rose an eyebrow, slightly annoyed, "Weak? Aizawa?"

"Guess you wouldn't know since you're in class B, Sensoji. Aizawa might overthink things and get a slow start, but...when he digs deep and finds his guts, he's a tough costumer," he informed. "Oh yeah? Then tell him to stop losing his guts," Sensoji rubbed his nose. "Fair point, I guess. Must be nice to be so simple-minded," the blonde back-handedly complimented. "Hey, newbies! Enough chit chat! It's time for battle!" Their boss yelled at them. "We're here without delay, acting fast to save the day! We're the hero team that packs a punch! Buster Union!" The team announced in sync.

"Everyone! Unleash the full might of your quirks! Target that giant villain, dead ahead!" The team locked eyes on the giant frog like villain. Yamada cheered, "Hell yeah, here we go!" In excitement for the fight. "Fire!" They unchained their quirks—blasting them at the villain. The latter itself saw it coming, opening it's mouth and, "What the?!"

"It ate our attacks?! And grew lumps?!" The lumps themselves were on the back of it. And a bit close by, "Hey, it's Loud Cloud!" A little kid exclaimed, pointing at the blue haired boy. "Ooh, if it isn't the nursery brigade, out on a march!" He let the little kids hop onto the cloud he was riding on. "Careful! Don't fall now," Aizawa caught one of them at lightning speed. "Woah..!" The oblivious boy's expression turned into a surprised Pikachu face. "Wait. Look both ways before crossing," Aizawa warned, again. "You're a natural at this, Shouta!" The eccentric teen beamed.

"Nah, you're just careless."

"You'd be pretty good working with kids. Like at a daycare or as a school teacher," Oboro pointed out, beam still beamin'. "Me? No. You? Maybe. What could children possibly like about me?" The gloomy boy spoke his thoughts. "Bye, bye, Loud!" The kids gave a farewell. "See ya!" The older waved back. "Goodbye, EraserHead!" The kids also waved goodbye to the gloomy one of the pair. "See?" Oboro crossed his arms and Aizawa smiled a small smile. "It's cause' you're so observant you overthink stuff. Like, you psych yourself out and convince yourself you can't. But you could do just about anything if you put your mind to it."

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