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Hero, what a weird concept isn't it? There are many types of heroes, the ones who become one for the fame

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Hero, what a weird concept isn't it? There are many types of heroes, the ones who become one for the fame. Another for the money, another to become stronger, a different one just because they have nothing to do. Though, there are people who want to become heroes...because they didn't have one. They didn't have someone to save them when they begged for a hero.

(Y/n) (L/n)— a girl that has been saving herself from the start, there are many different reasons why she wants to become a hero. The first, defeat the person that she needed saving from in the first place. The second, save everyone.

She knows it's naive to save everyone but that isn't exactly what she means. People think saving others is just when they're getting attacked by a villain and need physical saving. It's not always the same situation, there are people drowning in there own bodies.

They deserved to be saved too, along with people in abusive homes, labs, being created only to be weapons and most importantly— villains. The bad guys of the story, though they weren't always the bad guys. They were just people living a life at one point— all of them.

There are different reasons and ways people become villains. Mental and physical abuse, they're poor and need to take care of someone so they steal— get in trouble for it. Now, there are more reasons but let's get into the reason why (Y/n) didn't become one.

Someone needs to fix hero society no? Why doesn't someone fix it from the inside and out? She guesses it's a good idea— that's why she shook the hand of the black haired man in front of her. He offered her a home—even if she already has one—training, and the most important thing.

He's not sending her to jail.

Vigilantism. It can be seen in different ways, people who couldn't become an official hero become vigilantes. Though that's not exactly (Y/n)s case, she's only thirteen— meaning she can't apply for a hero school yet. It was also the best option since she didn't have anywhere to go, so she created her own place by herself.

Seven years, that's how long she's been alone. At least not entirely alone, along the way she found people— though they abandoned her. The girl tried to not let it get to her, it did but she ignores it. The vigilante, Azul, is known through almost the entirety of Japan.

But mostly seen in the streets of Naruhata, Tokyo. It's also where a lot of vigilantes are too, sometimes she partners up with them. This time was different though, there was a villain. Even if she caught him— she still got injured either way. 'Jeez, I'm going to have to clot it. I'm losing too much blood.'

The space blue haired girl lifted up her black cargo pants with a wince. She could see a small glimpse of white— the wound was deep enough to see her bone. The alleyway was dark, gloomy, a typical alleyway, tugging her mask off—she let out a breath as her hair clung to her sweaty forehead.

The girl made small movements to not hurt herself further, she reached out for a knife in her pocket and took it out. Pulling up the black colored fabric again, (Y/n) grit her teeth as the small pieces of the cloth had stuck onto her raw flesh. 'I hate this.' She quickly ripped the pants off from the bottom along with the cloth.

The electric eyed girl stifled her scream by biting on the torn fabric. 'Kami give me some pain resistance please.' She closed her eyes and placed the blade on her palm so it would heat up— thankfully, the knife turned a glowing orange and she neared it towards the wound.


The girl banged her fist on the floor and pressed her forehead on her thigh that supported her as the heated metal came in contact with her raw and bleeding flesh. She felt it almost go cold at how hot it was—the pain made her dizzy enough to make her try and blink it away.

Her heart almost leaped out of her chest when she heard a voice, "I never expected an infamous vigilante to be a child...especially someone like Azul." The girl snapped her head towards the voice with a hostile aura. "Who the hell are you?" (Y/n) glowered.

There was a scruffy looking man with a weird scarf around his neck along with yellow goggles. He wore all black and his hair was long and greasy, maybe around twenty five or thirty years old. 'Homeless person?' She furrowed her brows in confusion.

The man deadpanned at her with half lidded eyes. "I'm not a homeless person," he corrected. "I said it out loud? My bad, but no you're not. You're Eraserhead aren't you? Underground hero." The girl narrowed her electric eyes at him. Aizawa was fairly surprised, not a lot of people recognize him.

"Yeah now, let's go." He shot his scarf at her and she caught it—inspecting it closely she whispered under her breath, "Carbon nano fibers with steel wire alloy woven into it, that's useful. Weighted and reinforced too, people don't usually think about this kind of thing. Where can I get one?" She looked up with a curious and innocent look—different from the one from before.

The black haired male could already feel his headache coming, "You're not getting one. you're going to the police." He swiftly reeled in his capture tape and shot it back around the girl, effectively getting a grip on her. Aizawa dragged her along and she stayed quiet, slightly supporting her leg with one hand mindfully.

"Hey, what do you think the public will say when they find out who Azul actually is?" The girl questioned out loud and he only shrugged his shoulders in deep thought. (Y/n) noticed him pursing his lips and unpursing them repeatedly. "What would you do if you had a second chance?"

"Second chance?"

"At saving people."

"I would take it, if it means I get to help someone in need—I would take it." The underground hero saw the fond smile gracing her lips and he felt oddly warm at seeing it. "I'll take you in." Erasure cut to the chase immediately, not wanting to waste time.

"You're fucking crazy old man." The blue haired girl huffed in a amusement but paused at seeing his serious face. "Oh shit, you're not kidding. Fine, but what will you get out of it?" She raised an eyebrow challengingly. "Don't know, we'll see what the future holds problem child."

"Problem child? You really are odd. Fine old man, let's "see" what the future holds then."

They shook hands and ever since that day the two developed a strong bond. (Y/n) got the charges for her vigilantism erased since she was a minor and since Aizawa was adopting her. It took a while for them to get adjusted together but everything worked out in the end.

The blue haired girl would be attending U.A high school—the highschool where most famous heroes graduated from. She also picked that school since it was Aizawa's alma mater. Years passed and the girl was now fifteen, standing in front of the gleaming building.

She squinted. 'The future huh? What a familiar phrase.' (Y/n) walked forward and that was one step closer to becoming a hero—along with all of the things that would come with it. Maybe I pity her for all of the things she's gone and will go through but she doesn't know that...yet.

-kiyo (1313 words)

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