61 - pink ultimate moves

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"-All Might wannabe

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"-All Might wannabe..!!" Midoriya Izuku was confused, why? Why did she want him to fight her? She was injured—wait...he looked down at where he injuries were supposed to be. Supposed to, they weren't there anymore and the blood on her lips was already dry. He noticed how the blood tainted her lips red, she still had him by the collar. But she dropped him and backed up. "Come on!" Her eyes flickered a dangerous blue, lightning danced around her.

What was it they said about hurricanes? Something like, when you view it from afar—it looks beautiful. Just watching the dark clouds pour out rain from them, the wind in your face and the way it's so refreshing. The more beautiful something dangerous is, the more chaotic. (Y/n)s quirks, or just her in general—both were beautiful to witness and feel how it feels from afar. But if you get too close—he reached out for her in confusion—you'll get hurt—his fingers immediately became red.

The air pressure—it weighed down on his bones and the electricity that crackled, made his ears ring. It all felt like an illusion, something that shouldn't even be witnessed. It was an ethereal experience—the way she wore a feral smirk on her face and the way her eyes glinted with anger and confidence. It shouldn't be so beautiful—because it was so destructive. His eyes shined and he felt the wind ruffle his hair, his mouth went agape. He realized that he carried feelings for her when she died, it was disgusting of him.

But it was true when they said that you only love the things you've lost. And sure enough, he knew that he lost (Y/n) the day that he felt the bitter feeling of resentment. "Are you jealous of me Izuku Midoriya?" He hated the way he loved the way she said his name. "I would say it's because i use One For All better than you, but you don't even know how it affects me." Affects her? Is that why she was injured? "Have you ever felt the pain of having your DNA rewritten?" Just what happened in Kamino?

"If feels like every atom in your body is pulled apart and twisted while you were still conscious, you want to be powerful like me, don't you?" He couldn't dodge the kick in time, she was too fast. "Bullshit." Malice seeped into her tone like venom, it felt like a snake had bit down on his heart and curled its body around it. "I don't want to be a hero, i don't think i ever did." He listened to her like he should've before, he was thrown out of the crater that was inside of the wall.

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