25 - not fragile

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"The eighth and final battle of the first round of matches! He was kind of a hotshot in middle school and just look at that determined face! From the hero course—Katsuki bakugo! Versus, the one i'm personally rooting for also from class 1-a—Ochaco Uraraka!" The two stared at each other as they walked onto the cement platform. "You're the one who screws around with gravity, right pink cheeks?"

"Pink cheeks?" Uraraka rose an eyebrow in disbelief. "Well if you're gonna give up—do it now cause' im not going to hold anything back." The girl only furrowed her eyebrows in determination at the warning. Midoriya and Iida were talking about a plan, (Y/n) decided to comment on it. "I hope you both realize that Bakugo has reflexes that can rival mine."

"And he can use his explosions to maneuver himself even without gravity— though it would be difficult." The green haired boy quickly wrote that down. "Let the eighth match begin!" The brown haired girl immediately started to run, it was sort of low to the ground. "Giving up isn't an option for me!"

"And now you die." Bakugo lifted his right arm and positioned his palm upwards. 'There, here it comes!' She positioned herself to try and dodge the explosion but failed— the attack hit her head on. "Uraraka!" Iida and Midoryia called out for her worriedly. "He blasted her!" Mineta bit on his nails with wide eyes. "It looks like Bakugo isn't planning on showing her any mercy." Tsu struck her usual pose.

'Why should he? I know if it was me down there, they wouldn't be saying any of these things.' (Y/n) pursed her lips and continued watching the battle. "Stupid, saw it coming and i still couldn't get out of the way." Uraraka grumbled to herself scoldingly. "You shouldve dropped out of the match." the ash blonde positioned his left arm.

He blasted an explosion immediately as he saw the girls jacket— he pushed down to pin her down but turns out that it was only her jacket. The hairs on his neck stood up as there was a wind shift behind him—he sent an explosion which sent the brown haired girl tumbling back but she got back up quickly. "Look at that reaction time." Sero commented. "Seriously, the dude's insane— you can't get the jump on him!"

"Since Uraraka can't use her quirk without touching him, his lightning fast reflexes put her as a huge disadvantage!" Kaminari added as the latter charged at her opponent again. "TOO SLOW!" the explosion ripped up the ground and sent her back. "I've got you!" Uraraka appeared behind him but was hit with his quirk again. "Is she okay?.."

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