82 - she's got eyes like butterflies

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Shie Hassaikai Underground Compound

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Shie Hassaikai Underground Compound

"Not big on decorating your office, huh?" Tomura entered an awfully blank office, Overhaul, Daichi and Irinaka sat inside. Chrono had lead the red eyed villain in, "I don't like cluttered spaces," the auburn haired man intertwined his fingers. "We've been wandering around these underground tunnels for half an hour, way to make your guests feel like ants! Is every yakuza hideout as bizarre as this one?" He scratched at his neck. "We can never be sure who's watching or what a guest might be thinking, so we've got multiple underground routes. This reception room is quite well hidden."

"We've survived as long as we have thanks to this intricate setup," the small bird like creature—which was Irinaka—counted money. "So, about your call the other day, did you mean it? You'll really join us depending on terms?!" He resurfaced and questioned. "That's a nice way of putting it, you guys wanna use our name, and we wanna expand our influence. We both have something to gain here," Tomura thrusted his foot up on the table in the middle of both couches after he had made himself comfortable by sitting down on his own accord, he placed his intertwined hands on his knee.

"Take your filthy foot off of my table," Chisaki propped his elbow on his thigh and leaned the side of his face on his palm. "Mr.Boss...you should really be more polite and say something like, "Please remove your foot," show some humility." Daichi hid his laugh with a fake cough, 'Chisaki's just salty cause' (Y/n) was going to kill him.' The latter sent him a stink eye, "Anyway, first off, we aren't working under you. We're gonna do what we want, when and how we want. We'll be equals, so let's be friends and help each other out." Daichi hummed, "Is that your condition?"

"One more thing, this plan you mentioned. Explain it, it's only natural to include us. After all, I hafta decide if it worth lending you our good name. Especially because..." The powder blue haired man reached into his jacket, he didn't have to stick his pinkies out thanks to (Y/n)s genius idea to put bandaids on his pinkies. "You're a bit full of yourself, aren't you?" Chrono put a gun to his head and Irinaka grabbed his shoulder with a buff arm that didn't even begin to comprare to his small form. "You think you can tell us what to do?!" Chrono growled.

"Who do you think you are, you little punk?!" Irinaka roared. "You're one to talk. Your two bit yakuza meat shield...was hardly an equal trade for our dearly departed Big Sis." Tomura raised his hand, ready to decay someone. "Plus, that arm you took. We're gonna need compensation for that, or this deal is a no-go." Chisaki shifted his eyes to his lackeys, "Chrono, Mimic, back off. Our guest took the time to come out here, after all, let's at least hear him out. He was in the middle of something," the two backed off and he gestured him to go on, he reached back into his jacket.

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