129 - that which is inherited

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"They were always telling me, ''You'll never be a hero with that quirk!'' A hero who can't do anything on his own? Who's ever heard of such a thing?" Monoma spoke out loud as he walked with sass

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"They were always telling me, ''You'll never be a hero with that quirk!'' A hero who can't do anything on his own? Who's ever heard of such a thing?" Monoma spoke out loud as he walked with sass. "Where're you going with this?" Shinsou questioned while he messed with his mask. This took place before the match started. "It's about knowing what we can't do. I like you Shinsou. I really do. In order to survive, you need to embrace your darker side. We're much the same."

"No thanks."

The eccentric blonde laughed. "It's true, though! When you managed to brainwash Midoriya in the tournament...How did you trick him into speaking?" He looked back at his purple haired teammate. "I didn't know much about the guy, so I...just insulted his friend." Monoma huffed. "The paradox is that—to become heroes, we must act unheroically. Otherwise, we'll never measure up to those capable of greatness. Emulating our idols isn't enough. Surely you've felt this way before...How the hopes and dreams of childhood now grow heavy as burdens?"

"As if we are cursed."

(Y/n)'s gaze snapped out of focus from the frozen barrels—when they shot to the ground, her mind shrouded in confusion. That quickly changed when she felt her entire right arm throb, and when she heard Midoriya yell out in pain. She slightly gasped, seeing Blackwhip go rogue against him. The cuffs on her wrists were gone, but she couldn't stand up because of the ones on her ankles. She quickly grabbed the gun she dropped and cocked it while the green haired boy struggled against the quirk. He gripped his arm tightly, grinding his teeth together.

"He's grown even more? That jerk!" Monoma cursed, his eyebrow twitching with distaste. The freckled boy was losing control, he even went as far as to slam the back of his ankle down on his arm to keep the raging quirk inside. (Y/n) shot at the cuffs on her ankles, careful to aim away from her leg. But her eyebrows furrowed once the bullets slowed down in mid-air like the barrels, she scoffed. 'What the fuck??' The bullets sped up again and broke into the tough metal, she ripped the rest off of her ankle and stood up, looking back at the situation at hand.

'What-?! What...is this?' The boy was visibly freaking out, and the white haired girl gazed at the ever so mad quirk. The latter was growing, stretching out of the boy's skin in heaps. 'Everything...was fine just a second ago!!' "MIDORIYA!!" (Y/n) yelled, not sure if she should get closer or not, not wanting to set off the quirk even more. Tears welled up in his eyes, he clenched his teeth together. "RUN!!" Her eyes widened as his control completely unchained itself, Blackwhip shot towards the direction of Monoma and splat on the pipes in the way.

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