85 - the Labyrinth & the Suneater

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"Hey! What's the big idea here?!" A thug roughly grabbed a police officer by the shoulder, "Like we said, this is a raid!" The latter reminded

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"Hey! What's the big idea here?!" A thug roughly grabbed a police officer by the shoulder, "Like we said, this is a raid!" The latter reminded. "Stand down!" A hero ordered while ripping his hair off and forming it into a sword, "Clear the way! If you needlessly fight back, you'll regret it!" Another threatened. "The gang's out in full force, just buying time..! Seems kinda self destructive." Some other local heroes held down the thugs in the back meanwhile Fat Gum busted down the front doors of the compound. "Excuse us! We're in a  hurry here, sorry for not taking off our shoes!"

They looked around for anything weird or out of place, "Do you think this feels kinda suspicious?" The big yellow suited man voiced his suspicions. "Something about this doesn't feel right. But we have no choice, just gotta push on!" Rock Lock reminded. "Maybe we had a leak? But it seemed like everyone was pretty trust worthy..." Amajiki offered an iffy reason. "A leak? Nah, if so, they'd be doing a better job of dealing with us. Besides, it's common knowledge that the mob tends to act with a real sense of unity." The chief explained. "The underlings exchanged sake cups and pledged loyalty to the bosses."

"Even after their fall, gangs like these have always put loyalty above everything else. They're probably using these low ranking members as distractions to cut and run." Kirishima gaped at (Y/n)s brief rundown of the yakuza, "Loyalty?! That's a bunch of crap! Leaving the rough stuff to your followers while making a getaway isn't manly at all!" He yelled, "No doubt!" Fat Gum agreed, "Here." They arrived and stopped at a section in the wall that had a vase in on top with a cherry blossom tree. "There should be a mechanism that opens up the way down," Mirai shifted around with the boards.

"We just have to press the planks in the right order," he pressed down in a cryptic formation. There were multiple whirring sounds coming from the secret passageway, sure enough, it was opening. "This is like some sort of ninja hide out!" Bubble Girl awed, "If you hadn't seen it, there's no way we'd know where to go. Now we just need to watch out for unfamiliar quirks." Centipeders eyes widened in surprise once he saw something coming out of the opening secret door, "Bubble Girl!" He called out for his fellow sidekick. "Like hell you're getting past us!" Three thugs appeared.

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